From Queer to There: An LQBTQ+ History Tour
The From Queer to There Leading Edge trip is an experiential deep dive into LGBTQ historic sites and events along the east coast. The trip will visit locations centered around the advancement of visibility, acceptance, and inclusion of LGBTQ+ identities and individuals in the United States, beginning with an exploration of the Shenandoah Valley / Roanoke region. We then journey to Washington, D.C. to visit the National Archives' collection of LGBTQ material and spend time in Dupont Circle - home to many historic and queer-owned shops. Finally, we venture to New York City to walk Greenwich Village in an LGBTQ+ history tour where we will see the Stonewall Inn, the NYC AIDS Memorial, and the NYC LGBTQ Community Center, and again speak with those who live and work in this community. And, we can't forget to mention that we cap off the week with a performance of the Broadway musical Wicked!
This trip will be led by Jake Reeves, Asst. Dir. for LGBTQ+ Life, and Dr. Sarah Horowitz, Prof. of History and Program Director for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. We will also have undergraduate student trip leaders.
Questions or comments, please contact Jake Reeves at jreeves@wlu.edu.