Around the World in Five Days
Have you grown up primarily in the U.S. and never traveled abroad beyond the borders of North America? This is not a program for international students or for those who have traveled extensively outside North America. If you do not fit the criteria, you might be removed from the program. "Around the World in Five Days" is a program designed for students with no travel experience. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for an adventure of discovery without getting on a plane. You'll be thinking globally by the end of the week! Based in Lexington, this week of exploration is designed to encourage incoming first-year students to think about their place in the world and start developing their cultural competencies and global skills, which will allow them to interact with the world's citizens. We will have a variety of hands-on cultural experiences, which include craft, dance, food, and museum trips. We will gently push you outside your comfort zone, help you develop a spirit of adventure and camaraderie, and assist you on taking the first step on what may be an unforgettable journey. This is not a program for international students or for those who have traveled outside North America.
Student Testimonials from the Class of 2026:
"My favorite part of the LE: Around the World in Five Days was experiencing the numerous different cultures through food and art."
"The presenters were great. It was extremely helpful listening to all the presentations. I think the knowledge that we learned from all of these will give us all a leg up once we start classes this year."
"I learned how to be a good student, to appreciate all of the cultures around me while being mindful of what stereotypes may arise, that I really should study abroad and get my passport, and just to try new things because I won't know if I like it until I try it."
"I had an amazing, memorable time!"
Questions or comments, please contact Professor Janet Ikeda at ikedaj@wlu.edu or Professor Dick Kuettner at kuettnerd@wlu.edu.