Trisha Orr Painted Words—From Object to Subject

Artist's Talk & Closing Exhibit Reception: March 7, 5:00pm, Keller Theater

For this exhibition, Trisha Orr presents two series of paintings examining the use of text in a visual context. For the Book Paintings, Orr creates dense still lifes, using clear glass vases to distort and fragment the print on art books. The Poem Paintings, a collaboration with her husband, the poet Gregory Orr, feature excerpts of his recent work in a grid format. Both series explore the nuance of language and acknowledge the subjective nature of reading a painting. Trisha Orr has received individual artist fellowships from the NEA (mid Atlantic Regional) and the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Her work has been included in numerous group and museum shows nationally, and her solo exhibits have been reviewed in Art in America and The New York Times.

Right: Squander It All, 2006-10, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 in.