Ben Crystal, "The Once and Future Shakespeare," October 26, 2015, 5:30 p.m.: Lee Chapel

The Washington and Lee Department of Theater, Dance and Film will host Ben Crystal, British actor and producer, and Artistic Director of London-based Passion in Practice. Crystal is author of Shakespeare on Toast, Springboard Shakespeare, and co-author of Shakespeare's Words and The Shakespeare Miscellany, and is an expert in performing Shakespeare in original pronunciation. He will give a talk entitled "The Once and Future Shakespeare", which will discuss why our current approach to Shakespeare's works may need to change, how we can learn from the practices of the past to see our way forward, and the dramatic effect these lessons may have on the existing canon. Crystal is an expert in performing Shakespeare in original pronunciation.
The talk will be at 5:30 on October 26, 2015, in Lee Chapel on the Washington and Lee campus in Lexington, VA.