Domnica Radulescu Edwin A. Morris Professor of Comparative Literature

Newcomb Hall, Room 313
- Ph.D., Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, 1992.
- Major areas of concentration: 19th and 20th century French and Italian novel and theatre.
- Ph.D. Thesis: André Malraux: The “Farfelu” as Expression of the Feminine and the Erotic
- M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, 1986.
- B.A., English, Loyola University of Chicago, 1985.
- Attended the University of Bucharest, Romania, 1980-83 Major Field of study: English literature and civilization
- Edwin A. Morris Distinguished Service Professor of Comparative Literature, Washington and Lee University, 2016 until retirement
- Chair, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, Washington and Lee University, 2012 -2016
- Co-founder – The Women’s Studies Program at Washington and Lee University
- Chair, Women’s Studies Program, Washington and Lee University, 2001-2003, 2005-2012
- Full Professor, Dept. of Romance Languages, Washington and Lee University – 2003-present
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Romance Languages, Washington and Lee University, 1998 -2003
- Full Professor, Institute of the American University, Avignon, France, summer 2003
Selected Publications
Books and Edited Collections
- Country of Red Azaleas, a novel. New York: Twelve, Hachette Publishing Group, April 2016.
- Dos Obras Dramaticas de Domnica Radulescu, translated and with preface by Catalina Iliescu-Gheorghiu, Valencia: Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions, November 2017.
- Theater of War and Exile. Twelve Playwrights, Directors and Performers from Eastern Europe and Israel. McFarland Publishing, 2015 (refereed).
- Women’s Comedic Art as Social Revolution. Five Performers and the Lessons of Their Subversive Humor. McFarland Publishing, 2011 (refereed).
- Black Sea Twilight, a novel, London, UK, Toronto, Canada: Doubleday Publishing, April 2010 & August 2011.
- Train to Trieste, a novel. New York: Knopf, 2008 and 2009; London, UK: Transworld 2008 and 2009, and twelve international editions: Editions Belfond in France, Hoffmann und Campe in Germany, Frassinelli in Italy, Zamora Publishing in Israel, Editorial Elephas in Mexico among them.
- “Gypsies” in European Literature and Culture, co-ed. with Valentina Glajar, Palgrave MacMillan Publishing, 2008 (refereed).
- Vampirettes, Wretches, and Amazons. Western Representations of East European Women, co-ed. with Valentina Glajar. New York: Columbia University Press, East European Monograph Series, 2004 (refereed).
- André Malraux et la diversité culturelle, co-ed with Jean-Claude Larrat, Revue des Lettres Modernes. Paris : Minard, 2004.
- Realms of Exile. Nomadism, Diasporas and Eastern European Voices, editor Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books, 2002 (refereed).
- Sisters of Medea. The Tragic Heroine across Cultures. University Press of the South, 2002 (refereed).
- André Malraux: The "Farfelu" as Expression of the Feminine and the Erotic. New York, Paris: Peter Lang Publishing, 1994, 216 pages (refereed).
Book Chapters, Articles and Essays
- "Thief of Cities and My Heartbreak Homes.” In Home. An Imagined Landscape. Ed. MarjorieAgosin. London UL: Solis Press, June 2016 – solicited and refereed.
- “How I lost My Memory and Never Got It Back.” European Journal of Life Writing, Amsterdam, The University of Amsterdam, July 2014 – solicited and refereed.
- “Theater of War, Theater of Witness. Can Art Make a Difference?” Studia Dramatica, Cluj, Babes-Bolyai University, May 2013 – solicited and refereed.
- “Finding Liberation through Performance/Disguise in a Foreign Language/Culture” -- book chapter in Dramatic Interactions: Teaching Languages, Literature and Cultures through Theater/theoretical Approaches and Classroom Practices. Eds. Colleen Ryan-Schultz & Nicoletta Marini-Maio. Cambridge Scholarly Publishers, 2011 – solicited and refereed.
- “Elie Wiesel’s Night or the Death of Hope and Romania’s Problematic Moral Stand in Relation to the Holocaust” -- book chapter in Local History, Transnational Memory in the Romanian Holocaust. Eds. Valentina Glajar; and Jeanine Teodorescu. Palgrave MacMillan, 2011 – refereed.
- “Caterina’s Colombina or the Birth of a Female Trickster in Seventeenth Century France.” Theater Journal, March 2008 -- refereed.
- “Developing Feminist Theater Pedagogy with Undergraduate Students – Two Performances of Beckett’s Happy Days” – book chapter in Radical Acts. Teaching Feminisms, Theater and Transformation. Eds. Ann Elizabeth Armstrong & Kathleen Juhl, Aunt Lute’s Press, 2007 –refereed.
- "A Tragedy of Language and a Language of Tragedy: Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina" – co-author with Paul Friedrich, book chapter in Poetics. Self. Place. Essays in Honor of Anna Lisa Crone. Eds. Catherine O'Neil, Sara Krive, & Nicole Boudreau. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica, 2006 –refereed.
- “Isabella’s Trick or What a Sixteenth-Century Comedienne Can Teach Us Today” – book chapter in The Theater of Teaching and the Lessons of Theater. Eds. Domnica Radulescu & Maria Stadter Fox. Lanham, MD & New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2005 – refereed.
- “André Malraux: l’héritage classique face à la modernité.” Book chapter in André Malraux etle rayonnement culturel de la France. Ed. Jean-Yves Molier. Paris: Editions Complexe, 2004.
- “Mythes et archétypes dans les romans de Malraux.” Actes du Colloque de Cerisy-la Salle. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.
Playwriting, Acting, Directing
- Exile Is My Home. A Sci-fi Immigrant Fairytale – full production directed by Andreas Robertz, Theater for the New City, off, off Broadway New York, April 28-May 22, 2016.
- The Virgins of Seville, original play – staged reading, University of Alicante, Spain, May 12, 2014.
- Naturalized Woman, – selected for presentation as part of 20 plays out of 240 plays for the Thespis Theater Festival in New York City -- full production off, off Broadway, New York, October 10-12, 2012.
- The Romanian Reunion: A Country that Devours Its Own, original play – staged reading at the Comparative Drama Conference, March 30th, Baltimore.
- 4:48. Psychosis, by Sarah Kane – director, Cluj National Theater, Romania, February 2008.
- We All Have the Same Story, by Franca Rame – director, Cluj National Theater, Romania, February 2008.
- Adieu, fils de porc et de porche! – director, selection of plays and texts by André Breton andEugène Ionesco - The American Institute of the American University, presented at the Avignon Summer Theater Festival, July 2003.
Selective Honors, Grants and Prizes
- Fulbright Scholar Teacher Fellowship, American Studies Program, University of Bucharest, 2017-18
- Exile Is My Home –production of original play, nominated for the Innovative Theater Award, New York, April 2016.
- Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble Cast Award for original play Exile Is My Home from the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors, September 2016.
- Honorable Mention – the Jane Chambers Playwriting Award for the original play Exile Is My Home. An Immigrant Fairy tale, June 2014.
- Second Prize – the Jane Chambers Playwriting Award for the original play The Town with Very Nice People. A Strident Operetta, June 2013.
- Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 2011.
- Library of Virginia Best Fiction Award for Train to Trieste, 2009.
- Fulbright Lecturing-Research Fellowship to Romania, Theater Department, Babes-Bolyiai University, 2007- 2008.
- National Endowment for the Humanities - Summer Grant for "Hero and Anti-hero in Classical Greek Tragedy and the French Theater of the Absurd" - 1995.