Italian Courses

Fall 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Accelerated Elementary Italian

ITAL 113 - McCormick, Stephen P.

An accelerated course in elementary Italian emphasizing grammar and the skills of speaking, writing, reading, and listening comprehension. This course meets five days per week.

Topics in Italian Culture: L’Italia mediterranea

ITAL 295F - McCormick, Stephen P.

In this course, students will investigate Italy's historical and contemporary ties to the Mediterranean region. Through readings, films, and media, participants will examine themes including immigration, human rights, discrimination, and the dynamics within the broader European Union. These subjects will be juxtaposed with domestic issues of racism and immigration in the United States, providing a comparative framework for discussion. Designed as a continuation of ITAL 163, students from this prerequisite course are strongly encouraged to enroll. This course emphasizes spoken proficiency for conversation and offers a comprehensive review of Italian grammar.

Spring 2024

We do not offer any courses this term.

Winter 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Accelerated Intermediate Italian

ITAL 163 - Hardin, Patricia

This course develops intermediate communicative Italian vocabulary and active intermediate competence in the language. The traditional skills of world-language instruction (structure, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking) are stressed. This course meets five days per week.

Directed Individual Study: Il racconto breve e la novella

ITAL 403B - McCormick, Stephen P.

This course will focus on developing reading proficiency in Italian through the Italian short story and novella forms. Students will read works from all periods of Italian literature and discuss the characteristics of this genre while also expanding on key linguistic concepts.