Jeffrey Kosky Professor of Religion

Jeffrey Kosky

Tucker 203


Ph.D. University of Chicago Divinity School, 1997‎
B.A. Williams College, 1989


Disenchantment and an enchanting secularity; Spirituality and contemporary art; Philosophy, religion, and the question of happiness; Phenomenology and religion


Religion and Philosophy; Religion and Inquiry in the Humanities; History of Christian Thought; Secularity and Religion

Selected Publications


Arts of Wonder: Enchanting Secularity. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Levinas and the Philosophy of Religion, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.

Selected essays and articles:

“Enchanting Secularity: In Praise of...” in The Arts & Ecumenism: What Theology Risks in Artistic Creation, Msgr. Timothy Verdon, ed. (Mandragora, forthcoming). 

“An Excess of Happiness: The Approach of Jean-Luc Marion” in Breached Horizons, Stephen Lofts and Anthony Calcagno, eds. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).

“For a Phenomenology of Happiness: John Keats and the Practice of Épochè” in Archivio di Filosofia 83, 1/2 (2015).

“Learning to Live on the Spiral Jetty” in Image 84 (March 2015).

“Contemplative Recovery: The Artwork of James Turrell” in CrossCurrents 63.1 (March 2013).

"Metaphysical Certainty and Confessing Desire for the Blessed Life: The Evidence of Self in Jean-Luc Marion's Reading of St. Augustine" in Gott denken - Ohne Metaphysik? Zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse in Theologie und Philosophie, Andreas Hunziker and Ingolf Dalferth, eds. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2014.

"Recalling our Vocation: A Conversation about Teaching with Mark C. Taylor" in Pedagogical Exercises and Theories of Practice, a special issue of Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory < >, 2012.

"Vedere la luce: la contemplazione e le opere di James Turrell" in La promessa immaginata. Proposte per una teologia fondamentale, Stefanie Knauss and Davide Zordan, eds. Bologna: Edezione Dehoniane, 2011.

"World Loss and the Liberation of Man: Levinas' Praise of Disenchantment and De-sacralization" in MonoKL International Idea and Art Magazine, Volkan Celebi, ed., Istanbul, 2011.

"The Human in Question: Augustinian Dimensions in Jean-Luc Marion," in Words of Life: New Theological Turns in French Phenomenology, Norman Wirzba and Bruce Ellis Benson, eds. New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.

"Love Strong as Death: Levinas and Heidegger" in The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians, Kevin Hart, ed. New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.

"La libération de l'otage" in Rodolphe Calin, ed. Etudes philosophiques. Emmanuel Levinas, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2006.

"Iconic Revisions of the Modern World Picture," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, 4/1 (2002). <>

Additional essays and articles can be noted upon request

Selected translated books:

Marion, Jean-Luc, [Au lieu de soi. L'approche de Saint Augustin] In the Self's Place: The Approach of St. Augustine. ‎Stanford: Stanford University Press (2012).‎

Marion, Jean-Luc, [Etant donné] Being Given: Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness, Stanford: ‎Stanford University Press, 2002.‎

Marion, Jean-Luc, [Sur le prisme métaphysique de Descartes] On Descartes' Metaphysical Prism: The Constitution and Limits of Onto-theo-logy in Cartesian Thought, Chicago: University of ‎Chicago Press, 1999.‎