Science, Society, and the Arts (ad hoc)

Science, Society, and the Arts Planning Committee (SSA) plans the March 2023 SSA9 multi-disciplinary conference involving Washington and Lee students in the presentation of their academic achievements before an audience of their peers and the faculty. The 2023 SSA will be held on March 18, 2023. Conference participants may make oral presentations of research papers on traditional academic-conference-style panels, deliver research results in poster sessions, or present creative work. Students may also choose to participate in colloquia organized around common readings proposed by interested students and faculty.

Christopher Dobbins, Chair

Appointed Members

Ryan Brindle, Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
Brandon Bucy, ITS
Emily Cook, Leyburn
Caleb Dance, Classics
Bethany Dannelly, Athletics
Sybil Prince-Nelson, Mathematics
Lisa Rodocker, Law
Elizabeth Teaff, Leyburn
Sarah Wilson, Geology
Duncan Hart ‘24
Estrella Burks-Parra ‘23
Lizzy Nguyen ‘25
Jillian Gallardo ‘23
Isabel Lourie ‘24
Leeden Rukstalis ‘23L
Allie Stankewich ‘23