Making Up Missed Class Time
Our accreditation agency, SACSCOC, requires that we make up missed class time, and that we have a mechanism for documenting how we do so. We have created an online form for any faculty member to use whenever she misses class for any reason (conference, illness, etc.). All one needs to do is select the pre-populated course, click the date of the missed class, enter the reason for the miss, and briefly (a sentence or two is plenty) explain how and/or when the class will be made up. This could be whatever the instructor thinks is appropriate: for example, "we made up the class the following week in an extra session," or "I assigned the students additional reading and a group project," or "I assigned the students a short paper or discussion forum to complete"-there are many options. The link below to "Missed Instructional Time Make-Up Information" is strictly for the purpose of SACSCOC accreditation and compliance. This information will not be used for evaluative purposes. It will only be used in the case of a compliance request from SACS to determine if W&L makes up missed class time, according to our own policies and SACSCOC requirements. The information will remain confidential and accessible only to the Provost and Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness. Your submission of this information is greatly appreciated, as it enables us to stay in compliance with our own faculty-approved policies governing credit hours and program length.
Here is the link to the online form. Completing this form for a missed class takes approximately 45 seconds.