Fishback Fund for Visiting Writers Committee selects the Fishback Visiting Writer. The Fishback Program for Visiting Writers was begun in 1996 thanks to a generous gift from Sara and William H. Fishback Jr. '56 in memory of Margaret Haggin Haupt Fishback and William Hunter Fishback. The program brings an outstanding writer to the Washington and Lee campus annually.

Program and Other Advisory Committees
Fishback Fund for Visiting Writers (advisory)
Health Professions (advisory)
The members of the Health Professions Advisory Committee are faculty who advise students on the academic path and extracurricular activities which will provide the foundation for a career in the health professions.
Writing Program (advisory)
Writing Program Advisory Committee consists of six undergraduate faculty members appointed by the President, the coordinator of the writing center, an English Department representative, and the Associate Deans of The College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics. The committee reviews undergraduate needs for writing instruction; advises the writing program coordinator; collaborates with departments regarding writing components in their curricula; and helps evaluate the writing program.