Faculty Executive (faculty)
Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) acts ad interim for the university and undergraduate faculties when they faculty cannot meet; it receives student, faculty, and departmental petitions requesting exceptions to University regulations on matters not delegated to other University Committees; it originates recommendations to the university and undergraduate faculties relating to matters not delegated to other University committees; it receives a suggested one- and five-year undergraduate calendar from the Academic Calendar, Scheduling, and Registration Committee and recommends a calendar to the undergraduate faculty; it acts as the faculty's "committee on committees;" and it advises the President and Deans on matters not delegated to the Advisory Committee. The committee will be the point of contact between the undergraduate faculty and the Dean of Admissions about policy regarding undergraduate admissions and practices. The committee meets at 3:30 pm every Wednesday during the academic term.
When the Faculty Executive Committee is dealing with strictly undergraduate matters, it will function as an undergraduate committee. Its membership will include six undergraduate faculty members; two student representatives, appointed annually by the President upon recommendation of the Student Executive Committee; and, ex officio, the Dean of the Williams School of Commerce, Economics and Politics, the Dean of The College, the Dean of Student Affairs, and the Associate University Registrar as the non-voting Secretary.
Staggered two-year terms will be maintained on a cycle of electing three Undergraduate Faculty representatives every year. Four members of the committee will be elected directly from and by the faculty of The College. Two members of the committee will be elected directly from and by the faculty of the Williams School. Election is to proceed according to the faculty handbook, and the entire University Faculty shall be informed about election results in all divisions.
When the committee is dealing with matters of interest to both the undergraduate and law faculties, it will function as a University committee. Its membership will include the same six faculty members, the student representatives, and ex officio members, the Dean of the School of Law, and one law faculty member elected by the law faculty to serve a two-year term."
Those faculty rotating off the committee each year will be regarded as alternates for the following year. When the Executive Committee requires a replacement, one of the members rotating off will be chosen by lot to serve as the replacement. If two are needed, then both will be asked. If either or both cannot serve, then the committee would turn to those who rotated off the previous year, etc. until a replacement is found.
Robert Straughan, Chair
Ex Officio Members:
- Alex Miller, VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
- Melanie Wilson, Dean of the School of Law
- Chawne Kimber, Dean of The College
- Robert Straughan, Dean of the Williams School
- Rebecca Stover, Assistant Registrar for Operations - Secretary (non-voting)
Seven Faculty Members Elected - Two College Faculty and One Williams School Faculty annually for two-year terms and one Law Faculty for a two-year term:
- Elliott King - 2024-2025 (one year leave replacement for Angela Sun (C) - 2023-2025)
- Toni Locy (C) - 2023-2025
- Aliaa Bassiouny (WS) - 2023-2025
- Josh Fairfield (LS) - 2023-2025
- Justin Davis (WS) - 2024-2026
- Erin Gray (C) - 2024-2026
- Diego Millan (C) - 2024-2026
Two students nominated by the Student EC (preferably one junior and one senior), appointed by the President:
- Courtney May '26 - 2024-2025
- Samuel Cook '27 - 2024-2025
The Faculty Executive Committee has also created a standing subcommittee to consider physical education petitions. The members of the committee are:
- Mike Dager, Director of Physical Education, chair (ex officio)
- Ted White, Member of the Physical Education Athletics and Recreation Faculty (appointed by FEC Chair)