Courses and Degrees (faculty)
Courses and Degrees Committee (C&D) is composed of the Dean of The College and the Dean of the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics, six undergraduate faculty members appointed by the President, and two student representatives appointed by the President upon nomination by the Student Body Executive Committee; the University Registrar serves as the non-voting secretary. The committee is charged with the general supervision and development of policies concerning undergraduate entrance requirements, courses of study, curricular standards, and degrees.
More specifically, its functions, subject to review and final action by the undergraduate faculty, are:
(a) to make suggestions concerning entrance requirements as they relate to the curriculum of the University;
(b) to study and consider the change and improvement of undergraduate curricula and requirements for degrees, and to recommend such changes;
(c) to determine questions concerning the introduction, substitution, and evaluation of individual courses of study, and also the policy governing credit for work offered by transfer students from other institutions;
(d) to consider methods and standards of instruction including the matter of duplication of courses.
The committee meets at 3:30 pm every Tuesday during the academic term.
A Vice Chair serves as the "reasonable person" who receives copies of all committee correspondence, and advises the committee chair on practices and customs of the commitee. The Vice Chair is selected by lot from among faculty serving a third or fourth year on the committee, that is, from among the most experienced faculty on C&D. The Vice Chair remains a voting member of the committee.
Chawne Kimber, Chair
Fred LaRiviere, Vice Chair
Ex Officio Members:
- Chawne Kimber, Dean of The College
- Fred LaRiviere, Associate Dean of the College
- Tim Pandorf, Associate Registrar and Secretary (non-voting)
- Robert Straughan, Dean of the Williams School
Six Appointed Faculty Members - One annually for four-year term:
- Joseph Guse - 2021-2025
- Debra Prager - 2022-2026
- Paula Kiser - 2023-2027
- Wythe Whiting - 2023-2027
- Michael Bush - 2024-2028
- Wan-Chuan Kao - 2024-2028
Two Students nominated by the Student EC, appointed by the President:
- Bella Devraj '25 - 2024-2025
- Tytus Boston '26 - 2024-2025