University Committee on Inclusiveness and Campus Climate UCICC
University Committee on Inclusiveness and Campus Climate (UCICC) reports jointly to the Provost, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, and the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer who act as liaisons to the President and the cabinet. Representing the views of students, staff, administration, and faculty, the committee is charged with providing guidance and direction as we build a supportive community. Specifically, the committee advises on policy issues, practices, and procedures relating to matters of campus climate. The committee also serves as a resource for the W&L community. UCICC assists the University in fulfilling its institutional values that stress the importance of the individual and respect for others.
The committee membership consists of the following:
Executive Director of Human Resources;
Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement;
Associate Provost for Faculty Development;
Three faculty members, appointed by the Provost to include representation from each of the three academic units;
One representative of the Center for International Education or a representative from the Committee on International Education;
One representative of the Department of Physical Education and Athletics;
Assistant Dean for Law Student Affairs in the School of Law;
Two non-exempt staff members, appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of Human Resources, chosen from the operations and support staff to attain broad representation;
Two students, one undergraduate and one law student, nominated by the Student Body Executive Committee and appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Student appointments will take place in the spring term preceding the academic year in which appointed students begin service.
Members serve three-year terms, with the exception of the students who will serve one-year terms but also be eligible for additional terms through re-appointment by the VPSA/Dean of Students. The terms of the initial members of the committee will be staggered to ensure continuity of membership in the committee's formative years.
The committee is chaired equally by the Associate Provost for Faculty Development, the Executive Director of Human Resources, and the Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Student Engagement.
Tammy Futrell, Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement
Jodi Williams, Executive Director of Human Resources
Leslie Wingard Cunningham, Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Professor of English and Africana Studies
Ex officio members:
Maria Saez Tatman, Associate Dean for Law Student Affairs, Community, and Belonging
Erin Ness, Head Women's Tennis Coach, Senior Women's Administrator (Faculty Member)
Courtney Penn, Senior Associate Dean of Admissions
Hunter Swanson, Associate Director of International Education
Five faculty members, appointed by the Provost (three-year terms):
Nathan Dean - 2024-2027
Mengying Liu - 2024-2027
Ehi Rajsky - 2023-2026
Chong Wang - 2023-2026
Two non-exempt staff members, appointed by the VP for Finance and Administration (three-year terms):
Wendy Rains - 2023-2026
Isabella Barron - 2023-2026
One undergraduate and one law student, appointed by the VPSA/Dean of Students (one-year terms):
Malia Devencenzi 26L
Lizzy Nguyen '25