Institutional Animal Care and Use

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is composed of seven members, including the following:

  • four members of the University faculty;
  • one non-faculty member of the University community;
  • one veterinarian; and
  • one person who is not affiliated with the University in any way other than as a member of the IACUC and is not a member of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the University.

Of these individuals, at least one must be a practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals and one must be a person whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, a member of the clergy).

All members of the IACUC are appointed by the President or his or her designee, as specified in writing.

The IACUC is charged to review, approve, revise, and monitor protocols for all research and instructional use of vertebrate animal species. These protocols must comply with relevant federal and state laws and regulations and should also reflect public concerns about the humane treatment of animals, veterinary expertise in laboratory animal care, accepted standards of appropriate facilities, and protection against unsubstantiated allegations against investigators.

The Washington and Lee Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee reviews all concerns involving the care and use of animals at the University. The IACUC procedures for reviewing concerns are as follows:

  • Any individual may report concerns to the IO (Provost Lena Hill, Ph.D.), IACUC Chair (Robert Stewart, Ph.D.), Institutional Veterinarian (Philip Bailey, DVM), or any member of the IACUC. The IACUC membership may be found here.
  • Concerns may be reported either verbally or in writing.
  • Notices located in the animal housing facilities and in all approved procedure spaces advise individuals how and where to report animal welfare concerns and state that any individual who, in good faith, reports an animal welfare concern will be protected against reprisals in compliance with applicable laws. Copies of the notices are available upon request to the IACUC Chair.
  • All reported concerns will be brought to the attention of the full Committee.
  • If necessary, the IACUC Chair will convene a meeting to discuss, investigate, and address any reported concern.
  • Reported concerns and all associated IACUC actions will be recorded in the IACUC meeting minutes.
  • The Committee will report such actions, in writing, to the IO and, as warranted, to USDA-APHIS/AC. Reports to the IO may be via meeting minutes, semiannual report of IACUC evaluations, or separate letter. Reports to USDA-APHIS/AC will be in writing and through the IO. Initial reports to both the IO and USDA-APHIS/AC may be made verbally.

David Marsh, Chair

Four Appointed Faculty Members - One annually for 4-year term:

One Member from University Community - 4-year term:

One Member from Community - 3-year term:

  • Philip Coulling - 2022-2025

One Veterinarian - 3-year term:

  • Philip Bailey, DVM- 2022-2025
    backup veterinarian: Michael Hepner, DVM

Most Recent USDA Inspection Report

Most Recent Annual Report to the USDA