Historic Preservation and Archaeological Conservation Advisory
Reporting to the treasurer and vice-president for finance and administration who acts as a liaison to the president and the cabinet, the HPACA Board advises on matters related to historic preservation and archaeological conservation. The board's primary responsibility will be to review the University's plans to alter or demolish the interiors or exteriors of historic buildings (over 50 years old) on campus; to preserve and protect archaeological resources on campus; and to provide advice on matters related to historic preservation and archeological conservations. The board will meet at least three times per year and will work closely with the University Architect and University Planner on these issues.
The board is comprised of up to 12-14 appointed members with the Executive Director of University Facilities, the Director of Capital Projects, the University's architect, the Director of Institutional History, the staff archeologist, and the appropriate Associate Dean of The College serving as ex officio members. The 12-14 appointees will include five faculty members, a non-faculty member from the W&L community, and may include up to two "outside" members who are interested and knowledgeable. The latter members may include alumni and/or respected members of the historic-preservation, archaeological, and professional architectural communities. Members serve staggered, two-year terms and the chair is appointed by the Provost.
Barton Myers, Chair
Ex Officio members:
- Thomas Kalasky, Executive Director of University Facilities
- Drew Kepley, University Architect, Director of Planning, Design & Construction
- Donald Gaylord, Research Archeologist
- Matt Davis, Director of the Institutional History Museum
- Kevin Beanland, Associate Dean of The College
Appointed members - two-year terms:
- Jeff Kosky - 2022-2025
- Barton Myers - 2023-2025
- Brian Alexander - 2023-2025
- Kim Sims - 2024-2026
- Emily Filler - 2024-2026