Academic Calendar, Scheduling, and Registration Committee (ACSR) (formerly the Registration and Class Schedules Committee) is chaired by the Associate University Registrar and consists of the University Registrar, the Associate Deans of The College and the Williams School, the Athletics Director and Director of Physical Education, and five undergraduate faculty members appointed by the President and two student representatives appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Student Body Executive Committee. It deals with the undergraduate program. It annually recommends a five-year undergraduate academic calendar to the Executive Committee of the Faculty, considers and recommends changes related to the scheduling of courses and registration of undergraduate students, and serves as an advisory committee to the University Registrar's Office.

Administrative Committees
Chemical Hygiene Committee reports to the Provost and is chaired by the Chemical Hygiene Officer. Members serve as liaisons to their respective departments on safety matters; see that appropriate controls are available to protect laboratory workers; assist with annual safety audits of all laboratories review and approve the purchase and use of select agents, toxins, and Class II Biohazards; oversee and support all training required under the terms of the Chemical Hygiene Plan, among other responsibilities.
The CESL Committee advises the university on community-based engaged learning, coordinates the university’s multiple programs and organizations involved in community engagement and service learning, and reports to the Provost on these issues. It is chaired by the Director of Community-Based Learning.
Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) is composed of four university faculty members and one or more staff members (all appointed by the President), the University Treasurer, and a member of Cabinet. It periodically reviews programs relating to employee benefits and acts in an advisory capacity to the President.
Fellowships Committee is composed of the Director of Fellowships, the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, and ten undergraduate faculty members appointed by the Provost. It disseminates information about fellowship opportunities, recruits students to apply for fellowships, convenes mock interviews for finalists, and administers the internal review processes for fellowships requiring institutional endorsement, such as Beinecke, Fulbright, Goldwater, Luce, and Truman.

Glasgow Endowment Committee is composed of five undergraduate faculty members from the humanities, appointed by the President, chiefly from the language arts departments, and the Associate Deans of The College, along with two student appointees. It controls the funds of the Glasgow Endowment, a bequest by Arthur Graham Glasgow "to promote the art of expression by pen and tongue, including voice production and delivery." It plans and produces public programs involving language artists/poets, dramatists, and fiction writers, as well as others whose work can be characterized as "artful expression."
Provides advice to the president on matters related to historic preservation and archaeological conservation. The board's primary responsibility will be to review the University's plans to alter or demolish the interiors or exteriors of historic buildings (over 50 years old) on campus; to preserve and protect archaeological resources on campus; and to provide advice on matters related to historic preservation and archeological conservations.
Information Security Program Committee is charged with overseeing the security of the University's non-public information (including information that is designated as confidential and/or sensitive either by applicable law, by University policy, or by the Committee) through development and implementation of an overall Information Security Program ("Program"). This Program includes, but is not limited in scope to, the Financial Information Security Program previously adopted in response to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2003 ("GLBA").
The Class of 1960, with generous gifts to the university, established the Institute for Honor and endowed a Professorship in Ethics to be held by a distinguished university faculty member. The Institute for Honor Advisory Board has representation from alumni (including members of the Class of 1960 whenever possible), faculty, administrators and EC officers, past and present. The Board helps the Provost and the Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics gain campus, interdisciplinary, and external perspectives on the cogency and promise of projects under consideration and appropriate and needed assistance in completing the project(s) or event(s) proposed by the Professor and funded by the Institute for Honor Endowment. The Advisory Board provides perspectives and guidance with respect to projects that are related to the understanding and practice of honor as an indispensable element of society and the importance of ethics, honor, integrity, and applications of ethical reasoning in addressing contemporary issues.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is composed of seven members, appointed by the President, including four members of the University faculty; one non-faculty member of the University community; one veterinarian; and one person who is not affiliated with the University in any other way. The IACUC is charged to review, approve, revise, and monitor protocols for all research and instructional use of vertebrate animal species. These protocols must comply with relevant federal and state laws and regulations and should also reflect public concerns about the humane treatment of animals, veterinary expertise in laboratory animal care, accepted standards of appropriate facilities, and protection against unsubstantiated allegations against investigators.
Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects (the University's IRB) is composed of four members of the Washington and Lee community and one non-institutional member. The primary purpose of the committee is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects according to federal and state regulations and guidelines. The committee will review institutional or university faculty research proposals which would involve the use of human subjects and assure their compliance with appropriate protocols. Current policy statement and forms are available on the Provost's website.
Advises the Provost and various offices on issues related to intellectual property and serves as an oversight and education/resource committee to the university on intellectual-property issues. The committee reviews intellectual-property matters relative to W&L’s intellectual-property policy and serves as a decision-making body in the case of any dispute relating to intellectual-property policy. The committee includes the General Counsel, the University Librarian, and representatives of the law school, the arts, and the sciences.
International Education Committee reports to the Provost. Its responsibilities include providing a faculty voice and general oversight on matters pertaining to study abroad and other international education issues; monitoring and reviewing general policy issues; advising the Center for International Education (CIE); reviewing Spring Term Abroad course proposals and logistics; and reviewing applications to study abroad at non-approved locations/institutions.
Investment Committee is a subcommittee of the Employee Benefits Committee, with responsibility for reviewing and recommending employee options for individual investment of retirement fund contributions. The committee relies on an Investment Policy Statement to guide the selection, monitoring, and performance evaluation of investment options offered under the university retirement plans.
Museums Advisory Committee is typically composed of the Director of the Museums, the Associate Director of the Museums, the Curator of the Reeves Collection, a faculty representative from the Department of Art and Art History, and other appropriate members designated by the Provost, which may include the Dean of The College (or designee), the Vice President for University Advancement (or designee), representatives from both Law and the Undergraduate Libraries, and other faculty representatives as required from relevant disciplines.
The voting faculty of the Alpha Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa represent all faculty members of ODK during official functions of the circle. This role arises from the unique structure of ODK which encourages interaction among students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the local community.
Public Functions Committee is composed of the University Marshal, who chairs the committee, and eleven university faculty members, appointed by the Provost for five-year terms. It supervises appearances of the Faculty and students at Fall Convocation, Founders' Day, Law Commencement, Undergraduate Baccalaureate and Commencement, and other official occasions such as presidential inaugurations.
The Student Affairs Committee serves as an advisory group to the Vice-President for Student Affairs. The committee may explore all aspects of life outside the classroom and members will seek input from their respective constituencies. The Student Affairs Committee may vote to make recommendations to the Vice-President for Student Affairs related to student conduct and recognized student organizations. Committee meetings serve as an important venue for information sharing and feedback among student leaders, faculty and student affairs administrators.
Student Financial Aid Committee consists of the Director of Financial Aid, two representatives from the Student Affairs staff, three representatives from the Admissions Office, five undergraduate faculty members appointed by the President, and two students appointed by the President upon nomination of the Student Body Executive Committee who participate in policy discussions only. The Committee considers applications and establishes policy for awarding financial assistance to undergraduate students with demonstrated need.
Student Health Committee is chaired by the Director of Student Health and Counseling, and includes a representative of the Student Affairs staff, the Director of Health Promotion, and another member of the health and counseling staff, three university faculty members appointed by the President, and three students appointed by the President upon nomination by the Student Body Executive Committee. It acts in an advisory capacity on matters pertaining to the scope and effectiveness of W&L's health and counseling services.
The University Assurance of Learning Committee (UALC) leads the development and implementation of comprehensive university-wide assurance-of-learning initiatives.
University Athletics Committee (UAC) is composed of six university faculty members appointed by the President, the VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, the Sports Information Director, two alumni members chosen by the Alumni Association, and three student members appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Student Body Executive Committee. The Athletics Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Athletics Director, the administration, and the university faculty with regard to all aspects of the athletic program--intercollegiate, intramural, curricular, and recreational.
University Board of Appeals (UBA) is chaired by the Dean of Students and hears all appeals from the student conduct process filed by individuals, groups, or the University Official, with the exception of appeals from the Executive Committee of the Student Body. Two Undergraduate Faculty and two Law Faculty are elected for two-year terms, from among those not on the Student Affairs Committee, with initial faculty appointments staggered to assure that no more than one of each will rotate off in a particular year. Alternate members for University Board of Appeals shall be elected at the same time as members are elected. There shall be two alternates, decided as the first runners-up in the election of members, one from the undergraduate faculty and one from the law faculty. Alternates will serve in the event a board member needs to resign or recuse, or cannot participate in a hearing due to unforeseen circumstances. Six student representatives (one undergraduate junior, two undergraduate seniors, one second-year law, two third-year law) are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Student Body each year for a one-year term.
University Committee on Inclusiveness and Campus Climate (UCICC) reports jointly to the Provost, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, and the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer who act as liaisons to the President and the cabinet. Representing the views of students, staff, administration, and faculty, the committee is charged with providing guidance and direction as we build a supportive, inclusive, and diverse community. Specifically, the committee advises on policy issues, practices, and procedures relating to DEI and matters of campus climate. The committee also serves as a resource for the W&L community around current DEI trends and promising practices. UCICC assists the University in fulfilling its institutional values that stress the importance of the individual and respect for others.
University Library Committee consists of nine university faculty members (appointed by the Provost), the University Librarian, and three student representatives, appointed by the President upon nomination by the Student Body Executive Committee. It acts as an advisory board to the librarians and the Provost on matters pertaining to the maintenance and development of the library. The problems the committee usually considers concern public and technical services but may include other areas in which the Librarian seeks advice.
University Safety Committee is charged with providing a safe and secure living and working environment for the students, faculty, staff, and visitors of Washington and Lee University. The committee is chaired by the University's Director of Environmental Health and Safety, and acts in an advisory capacity to the University President. It is responsible for adopting, reviewing, planning, and implementing safety and health policies and procedures.
University Sustainability Committee will advise the president on matters related to the sustainability efforts of Washington and Lee. The committee will report to the President of the University and will periodically report to the President's Council. The committee may establish task forces or subcommittees on specific topics or issues to report directly to the committee. Financial support for programs developed by the committee or for the committee's operations will be determined on an annual basis and within the University's regular budgeting process.