Box File Storage FAQ

What is Box?

Box at W&L is a Web-based file storage workspace which enables people to collaborate and share information. Box is taking the place of W&L fileshares (such as H, I, J and  L drives), which are being discontinued at the end of the 2018-19 year.

Training is available  on request; contact the Information Desk (540-458-4357 or

Features of Box include:

How do I access it?

How do I access Box on a classroom computer?

Faculty members who need to access their Box files during a class should use the convenient desktop icon (see below) to sign into Box.

Shows the Desktop Icon

How much space is available?

Students, faculty and staff have unlimited file storage space in Box.

What kinds of files may be stored in Box?

Virtually all types of files can be store in Box, with the exception of certain sensitive data; consult this chart of services and regulated data types.

Can Box be used for student organizations?

Yes. Contact the Information Desk ( to request a Box folder to share with members of a student organization.

What happens after I leave the University?

Upon graduation, students can convert their W&L Box accounts to personal Box accounts. Faculty and staff Box accounts become inactive 30 days after their employment with the University ends. They can move their data to personal Box accounts.(Please contact the ITS Information Desk if you have questions about this process.)

What tools are available for Box?

Box can be better integrated with other applications such as Office with the use of free software called apps or plug-ins. This software is approved for use with Box at W&L:

How long does a deleted file stay in the trashcan in Box at W&L?

Deleted files remain in the Box at W&L trashcan for 90 days, during which time, the owner can restore the file if needed. There are an additional 14 days that Box Admin can recover the file after that. If you have questions, please contact the ITS Information Desk by emailing or by calling (540) 458-4357.

How do I find additional help or support?

For all other questions and to arrange training for yourself or your department, contact the ITS Information Desk in Leyburn Library at (540) 458-4357 (HELP) or by sending an email to