Dan Mazilu Professor of Physics, Department Head

Dan Mazilu

Howe 203B
Curriculum Vitae

Dan Mazilu teaches courses in general physics, classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and special topics in contemporary physics. His research interests include experimental and theoretical studies of self-assembled nanoparticle monolayers, as well as interdisciplinary projects in the field of complex systems. He has a Ph.D. in Physics from Virginia Tech.


Ph.D. in Physics - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S. in Physics - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S. in Physics - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
B.S. in Engineering Physics - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania


Experiment and theory involving ionic self-assembly of nanoparticles and interdisciplinary projects in the field of complex systems.


PHYS 111 & 112 - General Physics I & II
PHYS 113/114 – General Physics Laboratory I & II
PHYS 120 - Dreams of a Final Theory
PHYS 125 - Particle Physics at CERN
PHYS 202 - Relativity
PHYS 210 - Modern Physics
PHYS 275 - Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 295A – Special Topics in Modern and Contemporary Physics
PHYS 421 & 422 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 493 - Honors Thesis

Selected Publications

D. A. Mazilu, I. Mazilu, H. T. Williams, “From Complex to Simple: Interdisciplinary Stochastic Models”, IOP Science, Morgan & Claypool Publishers (2018), online ISBN 978-1-64327-120-0, print ISBN 978-1-64327-117-0

Y. R. Chang, S. Taylor, S. Duncan, D. A. Mazilu, A. L. Ritter, W. A. Ducker, “Fabrication of stabilized colloidal crystal monolayers”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 514 (2017) 185–191

I. Mazilu, D. A. Mazilu, R. E. Melkerson*, E. Hall-Mejia*, G. J. Beck*, S. Nshimyumukiza*, C. M. da Fonseca, “Class of cooperative stochastic models: exact and approximate solutions, simulations, and experiments using ionic self-assembly of nanoparticles”, Physical Review E 93, 032803 (2016)

Carlos M. da Fonseca, Said Kouachi, Dan A. Mazilu, Irina Mazilu – A Multi-Temperature Kinetic Ising Model and the Eigenvalues of some Perturbed Jacobi Matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 259, Pages 205-211, 15 May 2015.

Eric Schwen*, Irina Mazilu, Dan Mazilu – A Two-State Stochastic Model for Nanoparticle Self-Assembly: Theory, Computer Simulations and Applications, European Journal of Physics, Volume 36, Number 2, 025003, 29 December 2014.

L. Jonathan Cook, D. A. Mazilu, I. Mazilu, B. M. Simpson*, E. M. Schwen*, V. O. Kim*, and A. M. Seredinski* – Cooperative Sequential-Adsorption Model in Two Dimensions with Experimental Applications for Ionic Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles, Physical Review E 89, 062411, 30 June 2014.

C. M. da Fonseca, D. Mazilu, I. Mazilu, H.T. Williams, “The Eigenpairs of a Sylvester–Kac Type Matrix Associated with a Simple Model for One-Dimensional Deposition and Evaporation”, Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 26, issue 12, (2013) 1206-1211.

D. A. Mazilu, I. Mazilu, A. M. Seredinski*, V. O. Kim*, B. M. Simpson*, and W. E. Banks*, "Cooperative sequential adsorption models on a Cayley tree: analytical results and applications", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 1742-5468, P09002 (2012).

D. A. Mazilu, G. Zamora*, I. Mazilu, "From complex to simple: interdisciplinary stochastic models", European Journal of Physics 33, pp. 793-803 (2012).

I. Mazilu, D. A. Mazilu, H. T. Williams, "Applications of tridiagonal matrices in non-equilibrium statistical physics", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 24, pp. 7-17 (2012).

H. T. Williams, I. Mazilu, D. A. Mazilu, "Stochastic epidemic-type model with enhanced connectivity: exact solution", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 1742-5468, P01017 (2012).

D. A. Mazilu and A. L. Ritter, "The abrasive wear of alumina: Correlation with electron triboemission", Wear 258, 1384-1403 (2005).

D. A. Mazilu and A. L. Ritter, "Exploratory study of alumina-on-alumina sliding contact in the presence of the chemical vapor aluminum tri-sec-butoxide", Tribology Letters Vol. 9, No. 3-4 (2000).

P. Wagner, D. Mazilu, L. Trappeniers, V. V. Moshchalkov, and Y. Bruynseraede,  "Anomalous Hall effect in thin films of Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3", Physical Review B-Condensed Matter 55: (22) 14721-14724 (1997).

* denotes W&L student co-author