Course Offerings

Fall 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Introduction to Engineering

ENGN 178 - Kuehner, Joel P.

This course introduces students to basic skills useful to engineers, the engineering design process, and the engineering profession. Students learn various topics of engineering, including engineering disciplines, the role of an engineer in the engineering design process, and engineering ethics. Skills learned in this course include programming and the preparation of engineering drawings. Programming skills are developed using flowcharting and MATLAB. Autodesk Inventor is used to create three-dimensional solid models and engineering drawings. The course culminates in a collaborative design project, allowing students to use their new skills

Mechanics I: Statics

ENGN 203 - Liu, Mengying

The science of mechanics is used to study bodies in equilibrium under the action of external forces. Emphasis is on problem solving: trusses, frames and machines, centroids, area moments of inertia, beams, cables, and friction.

Electrical Circuits

ENGN 207 - Aiken, Paul

Same as PHYS 207. A detailed study of electrical circuits and the methods used in their analysis. Basic circuit components, as well as devices such as operational amplifiers, are investigated. The laboratory acquaints the student both with fundamental electronic diagnostic equipment and with the design and behavior of useful circuits.

Electrical Circuits Laboratory

ENGN 207L - Aiken, Paul


ENGN 240 - Kuehner, Joel P.

A study of the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of matter, and applications to engineering processes.

Solid Mechanics

ENGN 301 - Shobeiry, Poorya

Internal equilibrium of members; introduction to mechanics of continuous media; concepts of stress, material properties, principal moments of inertia; deformation caused by axial loads, shear, torsion, bending and combined loading.

Solid Mechanics Laboratory

ENGN 351 - Shobeiry, Poorya

Experimental observation and correlation with theoretical predictions of elastic behavior of structures under static loading; statically determinate loading of beams; tension of metals; compression of mortar; torsion; and computer models for stress analysis.

Capstone Design

ENGN 378 - Liu, Mengying

First term of the year-long capstone design project in which student teams solve open-ended engineering problems by integrating and synthesizing engineering design and analysis learned in previous courses. Project topics vary year-to-year and are driven by student interest. The fall term is dedicated to the design and planning phases. This includes project topic selection; comprehensive study of necessary background material; and identification of design objectives, conceptual models, and materials and equipment needed.

Capstone Design

ENGN 378 - Shobeiry, Poorya

First term of the year-long capstone design project in which student teams solve open-ended engineering problems by integrating and synthesizing engineering design and analysis learned in previous courses. Project topics vary year-to-year and are driven by student interest. The fall term is dedicated to the design and planning phases. This includes project topic selection; comprehensive study of necessary background material; and identification of design objectives, conceptual models, and materials and equipment needed.

ENGN 378 Lab

ENGN 378L - Liu, Mengying

ENGN 378 Lab

ENGN 378L - Shobeiry, Poorya

Directed Individual Research

ENGN 421 - Kuehner, Joel P.

Directed research in engineering. May be repeated for degree credit. May be carried out during the summer.

Directed Individual Research

ENGN 421 - Liu, Mengying

Directed research in engineering. May be repeated for degree credit. May be carried out during the summer.

Spring 2024

We do not offer any courses this term.

Winter 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Introduction to Engineering

ENGN 178 - Shrestha, Anukriti

This course introduces students to basic skills useful to engineers, the engineering design process, and the engineering profession. Students learn various topics of engineering, including engineering disciplines, the role of an engineer in the engineering design process, and engineering ethics. Skills learned in this course include programming and the preparation of engineering drawings. Programming skills are developed using flowcharting and MATLAB. Autodesk Inventor is used to create three-dimensional solid models and engineering drawings. The course culminates in a collaborative design project, allowing students to use their new skills

Mechanics II: Dynamics

ENGN 204 - Kuehner, Joel P.

A study of kinetics of particles and rigid bodies including force, mass, acceleration, work, energy, and momentum.


ENGN 208 - Erickson, Jonathan C. (Jon)

Same as PHYS 208. An introduction to digital electronics emphasizing design, construction, and measurement of electronics systems. The first half of the course focuses on foundational concepts including: transistor/semiconductor technology, digital logic gates, RAM and Flash memory, Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog converters, digital communication protocols (SPI and I2C), wireless devices, and microcontroller operation. The second half of the course is project-based: student teams develop an electronics system that solves a real world problem.

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering

ENGN 225 - Mazilu, Irina

Same as PHYS 225. Study of a collection of mathematical techniques particularly useful in upper-level courses in physics and engineering: vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and curl; functions of complex variables; Fourier analysis; orthogonal functions; matrix algebra and the matrix eigenvalue problem; ordinary and partial differential equations.

Fluid Mechanics

ENGN 311 - Kuehner, Joel P.

Fluid statics; application of the integral mass, momentum, and energy equations using control volume concepts; introduction to viscous flow, boundary layer theory, and differential analysis.

Mechanical Vibrations

ENGN 330 - Erickson, Jonathan C. (Jon)

Analysis of lumped parameter and continuous systems (free and forced, damped and undamped, single- and multi-degree-of-freedom); transient response to shock pulses; simple linear systems; exact and approximate solution techniques; and solution to continuous systems using partial differential equations.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

ENGN 361 - Kuehner, Joel P.

Experimental investigation of fluid mechanics under static and dynamic conditions. Correlation of experimental results with theoretical models of fluid behavior. Experiments examine concepts such as hydrostatic force, fluid kinematics, kinetics, and energy.

Capstone Design

ENGN 379 - Erickson, Jonathan C. (Jon)

Second term of the year-long capstone design project in which student teams solve open-ended engineering problems by integrating and synthesizing engineering design and analysis learned in previous courses. Project topics vary year-to-year and are driven by student interest. The winter term is dedicated to implementation -- building, testing, analyzing, and revising the design, culminating with a public presentation and proof-of-concept demonstration.

Directed Individual Research

ENGN 421 - Erickson, Jonathan C. (Jon)

Directed research in engineering. May be repeated for degree credit. May be carried out during the summer.

Directed Individual Research

ENGN 421 - Kuehner, Joel P.

Directed research in engineering. May be repeated for degree credit. May be carried out during the summer.

Directed Individual Research

ENGN 421 - Liu, Mengying

Directed research in engineering. May be repeated for degree credit. May be carried out during the summer.