Rambler Over Turkey Hill North-West of Town

This is a nice 14 mile out and back route (but with a loop in the middle) that is low on traffic and big on scenery. Shoulders are narrow, dogs will at least bark but only a few will chase. It will give you a nice taste of the countryside with mouth-watering views of both the Blue Ridge (to the east) and the Allegheny Ridges (including House and Jump Mountains) to the west.
Mile Markers
0.0 Go left at the northern end of the Maury River Bridge onto Furrs Mill Road (County 631) which follows the Maury River (on your left).
0.3 Three way stop sign. Bear gently left (essentially straight) continuing on Furrs Mill Road (631). The next mile is a nice gentle ascent, followed by a slightly steeper descent down to another bridge over the Maury.
2.25 Bridge across the Maury River (our route is now called Big Springs Drive). (This is the starting point for the bicycle leg of the annual Road and River Relay held the first Saturday of May. The team relay consists of a 3 mile run, a ten mile bike ride over the next part of the route, a 3 mile canoe paddle down the Maury, and a finishing 1 mile run. Get a bunch of friends and enter!). The next mile is yet another gentle ascent followed by a brief descent, at the end of which you turn right.
3.25 Very sharp right-hand turn at the foot of hill onto Turkey Hill Road (County Road 602). Almost immediately (.1 mi) after passing under Interstate 64 bear left, staying on Turkey Hill Road which crosses a cement bridge over the Maury. For the next 1.25 mi. you'll climb (steeply at first) up to the crest of Turkey Hill and will enjoy panoramic views of the Blue Ridge.
4.5 Crest of Turkey Hill. Begin long descent into a gorgeous valley.
5.8 At the end of your long coast, you'll go up a brief grade just at Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church. Careful at the intersection. Turn left on Bethany Lane. Follow Bethany Lane for almost 3 miles over a series of rolling hills and valley with great views.
8.5 At end of descent from long hill, and just after Bethany Lane passes under the double underpass for I-64, you'll reach a T-junction. This is County 631 (Big Springs Drive). Turn left.
10.7 You pass (on your left) the turn for Turkey Hill Road. Continue straight on Big Springs Road retracing your route back to the US11 junction.
13.95 Junction of Furrs Mill Road and US 11 at Maury River Bridge.