Liberty Hall Loop West of Lexington
This is a nice 5 and-a-half mile circuit that takes you west of Lexington and up gently into the countryside, bringing you back to campus on a scenic road. The route begins at the lower end of the W&L Warner Center, just west of the Lenfest Center Walkway.

Mile Markers
0.0 Intersection of US 60 West and Denny Circle East (back campus drive). Proceed down Denny Circle. Drive past Woods Creek apartments, bearing left up past the Law School, the baseball field, the fancy indoor tennis courts, and the Liberty Hall ruins.
1.1 Junction of Denny Circle West and US 60 (Nelson Street). Stop and then turn right ono US 60 West (note Borden Road across US 60- you'll end up back there after about 4 more miles). Continue west on US 60- high speed, but be careful, lots of cars and little if any shoulder.
2.75 At foot of downhill stretch, and just after a small bridge over Whistle Creek, very carefully make a left turn onto County 669 (Beatty Hollow Road). Start a gently climb.
3.2 Still climbing. Take a left on Borden Road (it will soon take you back to US 60).
3.7 You will "top out" of the gentle climb and can coast almost all the way back to the starting point.
4.75 Lexington City limits.
5.0 Junction of Borden Road and US 60. You can go back to the start by turning right and head .4 mi down to the start point. Alternatively, carefully traverse US 60 and return via the 1.1 mi back campus route you began on.