The CBL Collaborative
The Collaborative trains faculty and instructors on the best and most innovative practices in Community-Based Learning, as well as provides them with key resources and connections across the university to foster professional and institutional growth. Participants design their own CBL courses and in the process examine their pedagogies, assumptions, and expectations relating to community engagement.

2024-2025 Collaborative Members, including CBL Director Sascha Goluboff
2024-2025 Members
Brandon Conley, Philosophy Department
Donald Gaylord, Sociology and Anthropology Department
Sarah Margalus, Education Studies
Catarina Passidomo, Environmental Studies
Samantha Rosenthal, History Department
Beth Staples, English Department, Shenandoah Literary Magazine
JT Torres, Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning (not pictured)
2023-2024 Members
Michelle Cowan, Business Administration Department (Not Pictured)
Karena Gill, Department of Earth and Environmental Geoscience
Emily Landry, Business Administration Department
Toni Locy, Department of Journalism & Mass Communications
Jayson Margalus, Connolly Center for Entrepreneurship
Amira Walker, University Library
Katia Yoza, Romance Languages Department
2022-2023 Members
Michael Berlin, English Department, Writing Center
Madhumita Chakraborty, Department of Earth and Environmental Geoscience
Holly Shablack, Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
Angela Sun, Philosophy Department
Steven Woodruff, Department of Physics and Engineering