CBL Scholar in Residence
The Community-Based Learning Scholar in Residence position is a one-year opportunity that supports a tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty member interested in or is currently conducting research that would enhance knowledge, understanding, and/or create an impact within the Shenandoah Valley Area. Professors from across the university are welcome to apply, including those from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
The Scholar in Residence receives compensation for their research. Support will also be provided for materials needed. The Scholar will have progress and support meetings with representatives from the Community-Based Learning office once a month. They will additionally have an independent study student support their research, or alternatively, utilize the results or next steps of their research in a future CBL-designated course. At the conclusion of the academic year, the faculty member will present their research to the CBL office and prepare an informational sheet and presentation that will be shared in the fall with the wider community.
Connell Cunningham
2024-2025 Scholar in Residence
Connell Cunningham, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry