Concerto-Aria Competition

During Fall term each year, the Department of Music hosts the Concerto-Aria Competition. The competition offers a thrilling platform for talented musicians to showcase their artistry and technical skill. Open to both instrumentalists and vocalists, the competition provides the winner(s) the opportunity to perform with the University Orchestra in its Winter Term odd-year concert or the University Wind Ensemble in its Winter Term even-year concert.

Audition Procedure for Student Concerto-Aria Soloists

  1. Student soloists will have the opportunity to perform with the University Orchestra in its Winter Term, odd-year concert or the University Wind Ensemble in its Winter Term even-year concert.

  2. Auditions will take place in November each year.

  3. In October, a sign-up sheet will be available for students to sign up for an audition after consultation with their applied instructor.

  4. Students must have the approval of their applied instructors and must be enrolled in applied study during the term in which the audition is held and the term in which the concert will take place.

  5. Individual entries may include up to three performers. Individual performers are limited to performing as part of one entry.

  6. Students will provide a copy of their music in piano accompaniment form for the use of the jury.

  7. Performances may not exceed 18 minutes in length: typically, one movement of a concerto for instrumentalists or one aria for vocalists.

  8. Audition selections must have an orchestral and/or wind ensemble accompaniment, either for sale or for rent.

  9. Once all students have signed up, a slate of non-Washington and Lee affiliated jurors will be developed by the Director of Instrumental Activities for approval by the music faculty. The Director of Instrumental Activities will be a permanent member of the jury in an advisory capacity.

  10. Auditions will be open to the public. A Washington and Lee work-study student will serve as an usher so that members of the general public may be seated between, not during, audition selections. There will be a printed program for the auditions.

  11. The jury may choose no more than two student performers. The jury is under no obligation to choose any performers if none are deemed able to perform in a satisfactory manner.

  12.  Audition results will be posted on the bulletin board outside of the Administrative Assistant's Office and on the departmental Canvas page.

2024-2025 Concerto-Aria Competition

Date: Friday, November 1, 2024, 4:10PM, Wilson Concert Hall
Application Deadline: Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00PM

This year's Concerto-Aria Competition will take place on Friday, November 1, 2024, 4:10PM, Wilson Concert Hall. The winner will perform with the University Orchestra in its Winter term concert on Thursday, March 27, 2024, at 8:00PM.

General Rules

  • Audition selections must have an orchestra accompaniment available for purchase or rent. Audition selections without an available orchestra accompaniment will not be allowed.

  • Performances may not exceed 18 minutes in length: typically, one movement of a concerto for instrumentalists or one aria for vocalists.

  • Students will provide a copy of their music in piano accompaniment form for the use of the jury.

  • Individual entries may include up to three performers. Individual performers are limited to performing as part of one entry.

  • Students must have the approval of their applied instructors and must be enrolled in applied study during Fall term 2024, in which the audition is held and Winter term 2025, in which the concert will take place.

  • Application forms submitted without the signature of their applied instructor will not be considered.

  • Students must sign-up using the digital sign-up sheet and submit an application form.

  • Do not delete or alter any information on the sign-up sheet or delete the name's of other students.

  • Late application forms will not be accepted.

Completed application forms and accompanying translations/texts if applicable, must be returned to Erin Phillips via email, or in person, Wilson Hall 4011, by the deadline. Please contact Chris Dobbins,, if you have any questions.

2024-2025 Concerto-Aria Competition Application Form

2024-2025 Concerto-Aria Competition Sign-Up Sheet