Call for Papers 2024 Mudd Center Undergraduate Conference

This conference, which is supported by Washington and Lee University's Roger Mudd Center for Ethics, is the only open undergraduate conference in the country solely dedicated to the academic study of ethical issues.

Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to present their papers at the conference, and their papers will be published in the seventh edition of the Mudd Journal of Ethics.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions will be accepted from undergraduates from any university and from any discipline. Submissions should be sent to and contain two documents with the following content:

Document 1

  • Manuscript Title
  • Name of Author
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Graduation Year
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Document 2

  • Manuscript prepared for Blind Review1
  • Manuscripts must:
    • Make a Normative Ethical Claim
    • Include an Abstract not Exceeding 200 Words
    • Contain No More than 3000 Words
    • Contain Citation Information in Chicago Style with Endnotes2



1Please remove any identifying information

2Manuscripts in other formats may be submitted and accepted on the condition that they be adjusted by the author to Chicago Style upon acceptance