Do I Need a Calculator?

Math 101 and 102 (Calculus I and II)

It is the strong feeling of the W&L mathematics faculty that the emphasis in its introductory level calculus courses must be focused on calculus, itself. This firm grounding enhances students appreciation of both theoretical and computational aspects of advanced courses. Thus, perhaps unlike the calculus course you may have had in high school, Math 101, Math 101B (for calculus beginners) and Math 102 do NOT require a graphing calculator.

Multivariable calculus and beyond

Technology plays an integral role in the mathematics curriculum at Washington and Lee. Beginning in Math 221 Multivariable Calculus the computer algebra systems Mathematica and/or Matlab are introduced via the department's computer laboratory. It is used heavily in several subsequent courses, such as Math 332 (Ordinary Differential Equations) and Math 333 (Partial Differential Equations). It is in such courses that 3D graphics, high-speed computation, and symbolic manipulation have much to offer. Mathematica is available for all students to install on their personal computers free of charge, as well as in the mathematics computer lab (Chavis 208). Matlab is also available in the computer labs on campus, including in Chavis 208. In Math 309 Probability and Math 310 the statistics software R and R studio are also used.