The Lenfest Center for the Arts

Vagina Monologues
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Wilson Hall/Concert Hall
6:30 p.m.
Reception following in Lykes Atrium
Presented by The W&L Women Law Students Organization
The Women Law Student Organization is bringing the Vagina Monologues back to campus! This edgy and inspiring event will occur on Saturday, February 4th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Wilson 2007 Concert Hall. A reception will follow. All proceeds benefit the WLSO student scholarship fund.
Tickets will be sold in the Brief Stop of the Law School this week on Monday and Tuesday (1/30, 1/31). Tickets cost $7/student and $10/adult. We will have the card swipe machines to charge student IDs and accept cash, check, and venmo payments.
Tickets will also be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis.