The Lenfest Center for the Arts
Concert Guild: Garth Newel Piano Quartet
Friday, January 19, 2017
8:00 p.m.
In addition to its concerts at the Garth Newel Music Center in Bath County, Virginia, the Garth Newel Piano Quartet has performed throughout the United States and on five continents. Repertoire for this concert consists of Louise Hérritte-Viardot’s Quartet No. 1 in A Major, Op. 9 Im Sommer, Mark Carlson’s Piano Quartet, and the Quartet No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 45 by Gabriel Fauré.
Tickets are required:
Adult $20
Senior $15
W&L Faculty & Staff $10
W&L Student/Student $5University Swipe Available
Tickets are forfeited if not seated 5 MINUTES prior to curtain time.