The Lenfest Center for the Arts

Lenfest Outreach & Engagement Fall Series Calendar of Events
The Lenfest Center's University Outreach and Engagement Series is focused on connecting university knowledge and art experiences on the W&L campus and beyond to the community in a mutually beneficial partnership. The Lenfest Center emphasizes university-community partnerships that are immersive and collaborative, participatory and empowering-a two-way communication engaged in dialogue, feedback and decision-making.
Join the Lenfest Center in celebrating its Outreach & Engagement 2024-2025 Series.
The Lenfest Center marks its first ever Indigenous-centered and Indigenous-led event October 8, 2024 with Red Sky Performance, a leading company of contemporary Indigenous performance (dance, theater, music and media) in Canada and worldwide.
Ahead of Red Sky's performance and classroom engagements, there will be opportunities to view an exhibit of modern and traditional Monacan regalia created by educator
Victoria Ferguson (Monacan), learn about W&L's historic connections to regional Indigenous peoples and lands and hear from Native American Washington state poet laureate Rena Priest (Lhaq'temish Lummi Nation).
These inter-disciplinary offerings usher in new ways for W&L's campus to celebrate Native American histories and cultures leading up to Indigenous Peoples' Day (October 14, 2024), Native American heritage month (November) and beyond.
- SEP 1-JUNE1: Exhibit: Indigenous Dress and Culture- Kamen Gallery
- SEP 24: PERFORMANCE Afrique en Cirque-7:30 pm, Keller Theatre
- Africana Studies master class
- SEP 27: LECTURE: Native American Peoples and Lands: Historic Connections to W&L - Kamen Gallery 5:30 pm
- OCT 1: SPEAKER: Rena Priest: Washington State's First Indigenous Poet Laureate: Kamen Gallery 5:30 pm
- OCT 7: RED SKY LECTURES, KEYNOTE SPEAKER & DINNER: Worlds of Music • Red Sky Lecture: Arts of Mesoamerica and the Andes • Keynote Speaker, Sandra Laronde & Authentic Prepared Indigenous Dinner: Evans Dining Hall 5:30 pm • Red Sky Dance master class
- OCT 8: LECTURE AND PERFORMANCE: Red Sky Lecture and Red Sky Lenfest Performance: Latin American/Caribbean Studies
Through Lenfest partnerships with academic departments and faculty, meaningful engagement programs are offered that connect artists to students/audiences of all ages in the most stimulating ways.
Master classes offer opportunities to student artists to get personal instruction from some of the very best in the field. Taught by guest musicians, dancers and choreographers, master classes provide a spark of inspiration to continue on the path to artistic excellence.
Event is sponsored in part by Class of '64 Performing Arts Fund; Native American Indigenous Cohort; Diversity, Inclusion and Student Engagement; Theater, Dance, and Film Studies; Art and Art History; Latin American/Caribbean Studies; Leyburn Scholars in Anthropology; Office of Community-Based Learning; Museums at W&L; Office of Sustainability; and University Library.