The Lenfest Center for the Arts

Faculty-Guest Recital: Sophie Delphis, mezzo-soprano and Anna Billias, piano "Emboldened and Embroidered: A Universal Journey Through Song"
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 at 8 p.m.
Lenfest Center/Wilson Hall/Concert Hall
Emboldened and Embroidered: A Universal Journey Through Song features faculty pianist Anna Billias and mezzo-soprano Sophie Delphis. Allow yourselves to be immersed in the night of the Universal Journey Through Song. New York City based French mezzo-soprano Sophie Delphis and pianist Dr. Anna Billias will perform a concert featuring songs by Chausson, Debussy, Rachmaninoff, and Ravel. In honor of Mlle Delphis’ heritage, a few popular tunes from the French Cabaret will conclude the program. This performance is made possible through the generosity of Amherst Glebe Arts Response and Washington and Lee University.
No tickets are required.