Multimedia Storytelling Design: How’d They Do That?


Empowering the Erased
Empowering the Erased is the product of a multidisciplinary effort in which journalism students designed a website that chronicles the journey that students in a history course took as they studied historical memory in Latin America.


Aerial of Reid Hall and Elrod Commons
Washington and Lee is experiencing an identity crisis as administrators, faculty, students and their parents pull in different directions. Is the university a liberal arts institution? Or is it a business school with liberal arts on the side? The university's trustees have approved a strategic plan that aims to address many of the issues that have dogged the school for years, especially diversity and inclusion of students and faculty of color who often don't feel at home at W&L.


Aerial of Lee Chapel
Washington and Lee University is at a pivotal point in its history, facing demands to diversify a student body that is 83 percent white. Students, faculty and administrators readily admit that W&L, widely viewed as one of the best liberal arts universities, could become even better if it recruits and retains more students of color.


Aerial of Interstation 81 with trucks
Framed by the Chesapeake Bay to its right and the Blue Ridge Mountains to its left, Virginia's location at the foot of the Mid-Atlantic region makes it a popular passage for travelers driving up and down the Atlantic Coast. But the state's natural features contribute to a distinctive climate and terrain along Interstate 81 that can test even the best driver's abilities.