Reception for Leyburn Exhibition on the Japanese Tea Room at W&L

Please stop by Leyburn's Main Floor Exhibit Niche for the exhibit on the "Senshin'an Japanese Tea Room at W&L, Students Learning Chanoyu."  There is a reception on February 16, Thursday, 4:30-5:00 pm with Japanese refreshments and student reflections on learning tea.  The exhibit will be up until the end of the month.  On display are tea utensils from the Hal and Barbra Higginbotham collection of donated Phil Rogers wares, the Senshin'an scroll from the 15th generation Grand Master of the Urasenke Tradition of Tea, a Hello Kitty tea bowl, a pop-up model of the tea room and other objects.  There are also books on the tea ceremony from the Leyburn collection, including a rare 1926 copy of "The Book of Tea" from Special Collections.