Structure 3D Sensor

Structure Sensor is an iPad Powered 3D Scanner with a great potential. It can be used with any iPad with a lightning connector to scan and import 3D images of rooms, objects, and people. The scanning device attaches to the iPad with four tiny screws and is ready to go right away. The Structure sensor is equipped with a mobile-optimized range from 40 centimeters that extends to over 3.5 meters. This means it can easily capture anything from a small teddy bear to an entire room. It also has its own onboard power supply that provides up to 4 hours of active use, and 1000+ hours of standby. The dual IR LEDs emit a uniform light that allows one to capture the world in infrared. In simple terms, night vision!
The Structure Sensor comes with some functional demo applications for iOS to experience its capabilities right out of the box
- Room Capture: Easily capture a 3D model of a room by simply spinning around with the Structure Sensor and iPad. Then, tap any two points to retrieve distances.
- Fetch: A virtual pet to play fetch with in the physical world around you.
- Ball Physics: An augmented reality demo where virtual balls interact with the dense geometry of the world.
- Object Scanner: Capture models of objects and export them to CAD software or for 3D printing. You can also upload models directly to Shapeways.com for 3D printing.