Olympus FV1000 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
Laser scanning confocal microscopy is used to collect high-resolution images of fluorescent labeled or reflective samples. It achieves high resolution by scanning a laser light source across the sample, focusing on a single plane. Out-of-focus light is filtered out using an aperture and the result is a clear image of one horizontal plane of the sample-an optical section. The process is repeated at various depths and the result is a three-dimensional stack of slices that can be combined or viewed as a 3D image.
The Olympus FV1000 Scope is outfitted with multiple laser wavelengths for use with a variety of chromophores. The stage is covered by a humidified temperature controlled chamber for extended imaging of living samples.
Purchase of this microscope was made possible by the generous support of the National Science Foundation (DBI-1126118).
Access to the FV1000 is restricted to individuals who have been trained in its use. Training can be conducted by an authorized faculty member or by the staff of the IQ Center. If a faculty member trains you, they must request access to the room on your behalf. This may take up to 48 hours.
Please look over the Confocal Training guide before making an appointment for training with David Pfaff. Initial training will take about 2 hours. You will then be given provisional access to the microscope. Once comfortable with the microscope, you can request a proficiency evaluation.
During the proficiency evaluation, you will be asked to perform the following:
- Setup Kohler Illumination for transmitted light observation.
- Insert a sample slide
- Brightfield observation
- DIC observation
- Using EpiFluorescence to view samples directly
- Capture and save a Z stack.
After the proficiency evaluation, you will be given access to the room and permission to reserve the instrument after hours.