About the Area

About Lexington

Main Street Lexington

Main Street Lexington is a volunteer-based organization established in 2013 to preserve, sustain, enhance and promote beautiful Downtown Lexington, Virginia. It is an affiliate member of the Virginia Main Street Program, which uses a proven "Four Point Approach" created by the National Main Street Center to achieve economic revitalization in the context of historic preservation.

Lexington vs. Rockbridge County Living - Lexington and Rockbridge County offer a variety of residential options. Lexington City residents enjoy living in close proximity W&L and downtown Lexington shops, restaurants, churches and parks. Many members of the W&L community walk or bike to work. Lexington City residents live in the Lexington City Schools district. Bus service is not offered to students at the Lexington City elementary and middle schools. Curbside trash and recycling pickup is provided by the city, as are public water and sewer services. Taxes and real estate costs tend to be higher within the city limits.

Rockbridge County life offers the beauty of the Virginia countryside and rural living. Residents of the County are in the Rockbridge County Schools district. County residents can pay a tuition fee to attend Lexington City Schools, when space is available. County schools tend to close more due to inclement weather conditions. Bus service is offered to county school students. Rockbridge County High School is a consolidated school for Lexington City and Rockbridge County school districts.

Lexington City Government - Includes information on services, government, community and Lexington news.

Rockbridge County Government - Includes demographics, facts and figures about Lexington and Rockbridge County from the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission's Regional Data Center.