Employee Development Stages

At the end of the PATH review in Workday, managers are asked to select a development stage rating for their employee. These ratings are intended to define where an employee is on their developmental journey. It allows their manager and others at W&L to determine optimal training and development opportunities for each individual. The table below aligns development stage ratings with the appropriate next steps with regards to training and development options.

Development Stage
and Definition
Next steps for Training and Development
Inconsistent Contributor

Under-performing and not meeting expectations.

Focus on improving performance or on short-term success for now -Hold counseling conversations
-Articulate clear job expectations while reviewing essential functions of the role
-Set goals for improvement via PATH or a performance improvement plan with clear definition of what is required to meet expectations
-Reach out to Human Resources for additional support and guidance
Progressive Learner

Early in position and learning the context of the role or established in role and under-performing within some essential functions

Focus on improving performance or on short-term success for now

If early in position:

-Provide coaching and regular check-ins
-Articulate clear job expectations while reviewing essential functions of the role
-Provide exposure to other employees who can serve as mentors
-Provide documentation of departmental procedures to build knowledge

If under-performing:

-Provide coaching to develop capacity in challenge areas
-Set goals for improvement via PATH or a performance improvement plan
with clear definition of what is required to meet expectations
-Provide targeted development opportunities to build skills and capabilities in challenge areas via Linked in Learning or skill building courses
Consistent Contributor

Solidly performing to meet job requirements and committed to successfully meeting or exceeding expectations

Focus on maintaining
employee satisfaction and/or growing skills and capabilities to enhance employee impact
-Discuss career aspirations and interests, inquire into areas outside current expertise that employee may be curious about
-Encourage opportunities for training and development focused on growth in current role
-Encourage attendance at professional conferences to deepen skills and represent the University
-Build additional responsibility into role in alignment with employee's strengths and skillset
-Encourage greater levels of oversight of functional areas and find ways to provide project ownership
-Involve in departmental conversations related to strategic decisions and process improvement
Trusted Expert

Seasoned pro. Excellent performer in their area of expertise

Focus on maintaining
employee satisfaction and/or growing skills and capabilities to enhance employee impact
-Discuss what areas of role provide the greatest meaning and fulfillment and brainstorm ways to expand these areas in role
-Encourage sharing of expertise via presentation at professional conferences in their area of expertise
-Encourage participation on University Committees
-Elevate exposure to allow for opportunities to serve as a role model or mentor; involve in training others
-Encourage greater levels of oversight of functional areas and find ways to provide project ownership
-Involve in departmental conversations related to strategic decisions and process improvement
-Engage employee in developing documentation for departmental procedures to capture their targeted institutional knowledge
Emerging Star

Exceeds performance standards and has further broad potential

Focus on future investment -Discuss career aspirations, interests, and long-term goals to define career path and ask about additional institutional interests
-Provide opportunities for exposure across the University via high-profile/mission-critical or multi-departmental projects
-Provide stretch goals, project oversight, and greater challenges
-Connect employee with others - both inside and outside the University - who may influence their career
-Build additional responsibilities into role that showcase their capacity
-Include in strategic departmental initiatives such as goal setting, accountability measures, and decision making

Consistent Star

Exemplary performer. Strong candidate for higher level position

Focus on future investment -Discuss career aspirations, interests, and long-term goals to confirm career path and desired additional exposures
-Provide opportunities for exposure across the University via high-profile/mission-critical or multi-departmental projects
-Assign with high profile projects that carry additional responsibility and provide visibility to leadership
-Connect with new initiatives that allow employee to develop or lead new/reimagined ideas, processes, task forces or policies
-Encourage participation on high profile University Committees
-Provide opportunities for employee to collaborate with institutional leadership
-Find ways for employee to train and mentor others in their area of expertise to build team capacity