Preventing the Spread of Illnesses

Washington and Lee's close-knit, residential campus is an important part of the W&L experience, but occasionally that can lead to outbreaks of infectious illnesses such as flu, COVID, or other viral infections. If you become ill, we ask that you do your best to help avoid getting those around you sick.

You can help limit the spread of illness by:

Washing hands frequently
Limiting exposure to others
Avoiding common areas
Wearing a mask

You are most contagious when you are actively symptomatic; however, some people can shed viruses for some time after their symptoms resolve. Thus, it is very important to continue to practice good hand hygiene.

If you are a student and feeling sick, please communicate with your professors and extracurricular activity leaders and call the Student Health Center at 540-458-8401 for an appointment, if needed. Employees who are ill should contact their supervisor to discuss absences or work from home alternatives.

The situation with COVID continues to evolve. Recent circulating variants of the virus are fairly transmissible but result in less serious illness. It is anticipated that this virus will continue to circulate in some form for the foreseeable future.

The university consults with medical professionals, watches state and local trends, and considers previous campus experience at W&L and elsewhere when making decisions about campus policy.

As in the past, these guidelines are subject to revision based on current circumstances in our community and the state. We encourage students and employees to assume responsibility for their own health, and we appreciate your efforts and support of our shared responsibility to preventing the spread of infectious illnesses.

The CDC and Virginia Department of health have recommendations on their websites for COVID infections and other respiratory illnesses, and students and employees may wish to refer to those guidelines.

If you have questions, please reach out to Human Resources (