Placement Testing for Romance Languages

These language placement tests are meant to allow incoming students to demonstrate their ability with the Romance language they studied in high school, so that they may be placed in the appropriate course level for that language.


If you previously studied Italian or Portuguese and wish to continue in that language, you will be placed through consultation with the Department of Romance Languages upon arriving on campus in the fall.

If you studied French or Spanish in high school and wish to begin the study of Italian or Portuguese, you still must take the placement test in the language you studied in high school (French or Spanish) for placement into either language (Italian or Portugese).


Italian: Professor McCormick (

Portuguese: Professor Reino (


If you wish to begin the study of French or Spanish, you may register for Spanish 111 or French 111. No placement test is required. 

If you studied French or Spanish in high school and wish to continue in the same language, please take the placement test for that language. The test will determine at what level study you are best suited to begin.


  • You may take the test only once.
  • The test must be taken in one sitting (normally about 90 minutes), and assistance of any kind (books, dictionaries, online glossaries, help from others) is absolutely forbidden.
  • Remember that you are on your honor when you take this online placement test.   
  • Help is available while taking the test from W&L, as well as from Avant technical support.

To access the Spanish Placement Test and test instructions, follow this link;

To access the French Placement Test and test instructions, follow this link