GDL Technology and Learning Specialists
Technology and Learning through Communications, Connections and Exploration
The GDL Technology and Learning Specialists work under the supervision of Professor Dick Kuettner, the GDL director as well as teacher of Spanish, French, and Education Studies. Using a variety of technological systems and computer programs, the specialists support professors and fellow students in all of their endeavors, while making various multimedia sources available and accessible. Striving to use technology in innovative ways, the specialists are familiar with various programs and tools so they can instruct others how to use a variety of resources. Whether it be administration of exams, digitizing films for classes, preparing materials for instructional use, organizing FLAVA conferences/webinars, or managing websites for the annual Virginia Governor's World Language Academies, the GDL Technology and Learning Specialists play an interesting and integral role in the support and development of W&L and its mission to internationalize its curriculum. The specialists facilitate the sharing of cultures via world music, TV, film, print materials, and video conferencing with students and educators around the world as part of its mission.

Camryn Bostick '25
From: Hellerton, Pennsylvania
Major: Economics and Environmental Studies
Favorite Quote: "Nature is not mute, it is man that is deaf" - Terence McKenna

Zhihuan (Sherry) Yan '25
From: Wenling, China
Major: Art History
Favorite Quote: "非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" ("Without detachment, there is no way to clarify the will; without serenity, there is no way to get far.") - Zhuge Liang

Yining (Jessica) Zhong '26
From: Shanghai, China
Major: Accounting
Favorite Quote: 从今往后,怎么收获,怎么栽。(Whatever happens in the future will build into the new me. How I plant the seed will determine how I harvest.)- Hu Shih
Celeste Alvarez '26
From: Hereford, Texas
Major: Sociology and Anthropology
Favorite Quote: "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde
Sylvia Agatako'26
From: Kigali, Rwanda
Major: Computer Science
Favorite Quote: "Remember your dreams and fight for them." - Paulo Coelho
Joshua Caraballo '25
From: Milford, Pennsylvania
Major: Accounting and Art History
Favorite Quote: "When the ship be sinking, the sky's the limit" -Micheal Ray Richardson

Jenna Moore '27
From: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Major: Biology
Favorite Quote: Be Strong and Courageous
Hanora Finnegan '27
From: Washington, New Jersey
Major: History and Environmental Studies
Favorite Quote: "There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature." -Jane Austen
Medaly Cardenas Retamozo '25
From: Lima, Peru
Major: Computer Science and Economics
Favorite Quote: "Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood" - Marie Curie
Ninziza Miracle Maheshe '27
From: Kigali, Rwanda
Major: Undecided
Favorite Quote: "When God gives you a new beginning don't repeat the same mistakes"-unknown.
Ciel Morrill '26
From: Salt Lake City, Utah
Major: Japanese & Computer Science
Favorite Quote: "So it goes." - Slaughterhouse 5

Vincent Ziccardi '26
From: Long Island, New York
Major: Computer Science & Spanish
Favorite Quote: "A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions" - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.