2019 Award Winners
The Beginning German Awards, funded in honor of Jim Stump, went to Truman Chancy '22, and Eric Schleicher ’21.
The Intermediate German Awards, also funded in honor of Jim Stump, were presented to Tina Jin '21, and Ann Riter '22.
The Advanced German Awards, funded in memory of James S. Wood '65 who died on the battlefield in Vietnam in 1968, went to Reid Gaede '19 and Gabe Isbell '20.
The B.S. Stephenson '42 Scholarship for the most promising rising junior German major was awarded to Tomasz Paluchowski '21, Doan Bui '21 and Chris Woodings '21.
The Dickens-Youngblood award supported by distinguished alumnus Matt Mills for the most promising rising senior was awarded to Katherine Dau ’19.
The Rising Star Departmental Prize, graciously funded in honor of Jim Stump '53, was awarded to Jewel Luckow '22.