Quick Reference Guide for Washington and Lee Faculty and Staff Reporting Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation
WHAT must be reported?
The Interim University's Sexual Discrimination and Misconduct Policy (the "Policy") prohibits the following conduct:
- Title IX Sexual Harassment
- Non Title IX Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Discrimination
- Non-consensual sexual penetration
- Non-consensual sexual contact
- Sexual exploitation
- Relationship violence (including domestic violence and dating violence)
- Stalking
- Retaliation
Complete definitions of each of these terms are set forth in the Policy, available at http://go.wlu.edu/OGC/SexualMisconductPolicy
WHO must report?
Under federal law, all W&L community members are encouraged to report. However, the following individuals are "Mandatory Reporters" under the Policy and are required to report (note: the employees noted with an asterisk are considered "authorized employees" as they have the authority to institute corrective measures regarding complaints of sexual misconduct and a report to one of those individuals constitutes actual notice to the University of a report of sexual misconduct):
- Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Title IX Coordinator(s)*
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students*
- Assistant Dean of Law Student Affairs*
- Provost*
- Associate Provost*
- Dean of the School of Law*
- Associate Dean of the School of Law*
- Dean of the College*
- Associate Deans of the College*
- Dean of the Williams School*
- Associate Dean of the Williams School*
- Vice President for Finance/Treasurer*
- Director of Athletics*
- Director of Public Safety*
- Assistant/Associate Director of Public Safety*
- Associate and Assistant Athletic Directors
- Athletic Team Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Athletic Trainers
- Directors of Legal Clinics
- Director of Sustainability Initiatives and Education
- Officers of Public Safety
- Faculty and staff accompanying students on off-campus, university-related trips
- Undergraduate Faculty Department and Program Chairs
- Law School Director of Academic Success
- Resident Advisers and Community Assistants
- Student Affairs Class Deans
- Associate Director of International Education
- Director of Student Activities
- Director of Outdoor Education
- Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Student Engagement
- Assistant Dean, Office of Career Strategy, Law School
- Associate Director of Intramurals and Adventure Programs
- Dean for Career and Professional Development
- Assistant Director, Leadership Development and Student Engagement
- Shepherd Program - Associate Director and Assistant Directors
- Chief Technology Officer
WHEN must I report?
There is no time limit on reporting, but reports should be made as soon as possible after you become aware of a possible violation of the Policy.
WHERE do I report?
- Allegations against students should be reported to Lauren Kozak, Title IX Coordinator, Elrod Commons 237, 540.458.4055, kozakl@wlu.edu.
- Allegations against faculty and staff should be reported to Jodi Williams, Title IX Assistant Coordinator for Employment, Two South Main 109, 540.458.8318, jwilliams@wlu.edu.
***Never Promise Confidentiality***
No W&L employee may promise confidentiality (except in Counseling and Health Services) and all are instructed to share information regarding allegations of prohibited conduct (as described above) with the appropriate Title IX Coordinator so that the University may take prompt and reasonable steps to eliminate the hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.