Audio/Video Recording of Classes
Policy Statement
W&L's Intellectual Property policy provides that it is the general policy of W&L that intellectual property shall be the property of the author or creator. However, creators will be expected to grant non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual licenses to the University for intellectual property that is developed for University courses or curriculum, so that the University's continued use of such material for educational purposes at W&L would not be jeopardized.
In keeping with this policy, W&L prohibits the recording of classes without the advance written permission of the instructor, except in cases where W&L is required by law to provide for recording of a class as a reasonable accommodation for a qualified student with a disability. Students are advised of this policy in the Student Handbook; however, faculty are encouraged to include a statement regarding the policy in their syllabi.
This policy applies to all undergraduate and law students, and any visitors to classes at W&L.
Students may not make audio or video recordings of classes without the advance written permission of the instructor. Students may use such recordings only for course purposes, may not distribute them outside the class, and are expected to destroy the recordings at the conclusion of the course term.
Revision History
This policy has not yet been revised.