Athletic Director Compliance Calendar Washington and Lee University Annual Calendar of Significant Reporting Compliance Activities


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No action items

No action items

No action items

NCAA Graduation Rates1

No action items

NCAA Sport Sponsorship and Demographic Report2

NCAA Financial Aid Report3

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act4

No action items

No action items

NCAA Self Study Report5

1NCAA Graduation Rates
Graduation rates are submitted electronically and are due by June 1st each year, as part of a two part certification process that culminates in early July.

2NCAA Sport Sponsorship and Demographic Report
The Sport Sponsorship and Demographic Report is due by August 15th each year. The report confirms sponsorship of each varsity intercollegiate team and also contains race and demographic information. The form may be completed online at

3NCAA Financial Aid Report
NCAA member institutions are required to submit an annual report that includes data regarding the financial aid packages awarded by the institution to freshmen and incoming transfer student-athletes and to other incoming students. The report is due in the fall; dates vary, but the deadline is September 14th for 2009.

4Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act of 1994
Each coed institution of higher education that participates in Title IV programs, and has an intercollegiate athletic program, must no later than Oct. 15th of each year, make available on request to enrolled students, prospective students, and the public, the report required to be produced under this law. If the report is available online, the school must also provide notice, either through mail, e-mail, or campus mail, giving the specific web site address where the request can be viewed and including a statement that a paper copy is available upon request. Within 15 days of making the report available to students, prospective students, and the public, (so at the latest Oct. 30th of each year) the school must submit the report to the Secretary of Education. This is done online at

5NCAA Self-Study Report
NCAA member institutions are required to conduct a comprehensive self-study and evaluation of their intercollegiate athletics programs at least once every five years, using the Institutional Self-Study Guide (ISSG). The report of the self-study, as well as the supporting documentation, is required to be available for examination upon request by an authorized representative of the NCAA.