Application Document Upload
Washington and Lee is very aware of the sensitive nature of your financial documents, thus we have developed an easy method for you to submit your tax returns and other relevant application documents using a secure and expedient process.
This process requires that you convert your tax returns or other documents into an Adobe PDF format. The option to create a PDF file is standard for most tax software packages on the market. If you use a tax service, most accountants should be able to offer you a PDF version of your completed returns. Other documents can be easily converted to PDF files using one of the standard Adobe programs.
Please be aware that only current students and applicants who have submitted an admissions application will have access to this process.
1.) Convert the document you wish to upload into PDF format. Make sure you create individual PDF files for each type of document you wish to submit. For example, parent 2023 tax returns should be one document and should include all schedules. Do not combine parent and student returns or custodial and non-custodial returns.
2.) For Prospective Undergraduate Students: Use the credentials provided to you by the Office of Admissions to access the Admissions Applicant Portal. Near the top of the page you will see an Admissions tab and a Financial Aid tab. Click on the Financial Aid tab. You will see the Financial Aid Checklist.
For Current Students and Law Applicants: Log into the Financial Aid "Check Your Aid Status" website using your W&L username and password. After you are logged into the site, select the academic year and then click on "Items Requiring Your Attention."
3.) Locate an application document listed as "Awaiting" or "Not Received" and click on the document name. If the document is of a type that can be uploaded you will be taken to the Financial Aid Upload site.
4.) You will be redirected to the Financial Aid Upload site where you can upload any document that has not yet been received. Locate the document you wish to upload and click the corresponding "Upload" link.
5.) Click on "Choose File" and navigate to where the document you want to submit is saved on your computer.
6.) Click "Upload" to submit the document. You will be returned to the Financial Aid Upload site where you will be able to see the title and time stamp of the PDF document you submitted.
Please contact our office if you do not see the document you want to submit.