All W&L faculty applying for federal funding must complete required online training modules via CITI. An instructional PDF is included below. For specific training questions, please contact the Assistant Provost of Accredidation and Institutional Research.

University Research Policies
Each investigator involved in sponsored research must complete the appropriate disclosure form(s) prior to submitting an external proposal and prior to joining certain ongoing research projects. Each disclosure must be updated annually, or as new significant financial interests arise or are acquired.Washington and Lee has two separate policies regarding financial conflicts of interest in faculty grant seeking, also known as sponsored research. The Public Health Service (PHS) Policy complies with regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services and applies to investigators performing/proposing research supported by the PHS or any other sponsor that has adopted the PHS regulations.The National Science Foundation (NSF) Policy complies with the NSF’s Investigator Financial Disclosure Policy and applies to all federally funded or privately sponsored research except for research supported or proposed for funding by the PHS or any sponsor that has adopted the PHS regulations. Following are links to both policies and disclosure forms which must be updated annually or as new significant financial interests arise or are acquired.
Faculty engaged in research will adhere to the highest professional standards in the execution of their work and in the reporting of results. This policy applies to allegations of research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results) involving a person who, at the time of the alleged research misconduct, was employed by, was an agent of, or was affiliated by contract or agreement with W&L.
Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects (the University's IRB) is composed of four members of the Washington and Lee community and one non-institutional member. The primary purpose of the committee is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects according to federal and state regulations and guidelines. The committee will review institutional or university faculty research proposals which would involve the use of human subjects and assure their compliance with appropriate protocols.
All research involving human participants that is conducted by Washington and Lee faculty members and students must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects (IRB). The primary purpose of the committee is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects according to federal and state regulations and guidelines. The committee will review institutional or university faculty research proposals involving the use of human subjects and assure their compliance with appropriate protocols.No matter how seemingly benign, the proposed research project must be reviewed by the IRB before relevant work commences. The IRB is available to consult with faculty, staff, or students in the early stages of project development regarding the review process and categories of review.
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is charged with creating and monitoring protocols for all research and instructional use of vertebrate animal species. These protocols should comply with relevant federal and state regulations, public concerns about the humane treatment of animals, veterinary expertise in laboratory animal care, accepted standards of appropriate facilities, and protection against unsubstantiated allegations against investigators.
Washington and Lee University has signed the Uniform Biological Materials Transfer Agreement (UBMTA), which is maintained by the Association of University Technology Managers. The agreement, list of participating universities, and the "implementing letter" to be used to formalize safe and responsible transfers and use of biological materials can be found via the link in this section. Faculty and others at W&L intending to send or exchange biological materials should use the UBMTA implementing letter even if the recipient has not signed the agreement.