Granted Newsletter

IssueFeatured FunderAdvice TopicDiscussion Topic
Yearly Summary Yearly Summary of Grant Seeking Activity
May 2024 Lettie Pate Evans Foundation Should Grants Be Sustainable Educational Philanthropy
April 2024 NSF Is your CV Current? Broader Impacts
March 2024 Use AI for Feedback Utilizing AI in Grant Seeking
February 2024 American Political Science Association Understanding Indirect Costs Reference Letters vs. Letters of Support
January 2024 Spencer Foundation Making Sure Grants are a Good Fit Crafting a Compelling Application
December 2023 New Year's Resolutions
November 2023 National Institutes of Health Peer Review Last-Minute Opportunities
October 2023 Kress Foundation Early Career Grant Seeking Early Career Timeline
September 2023 American Association of University Women Avoiding Eligibility and Requirement Pitfalls Utilize CFR!
Yearly Summary Yearly Summary of All Grant Seeking Activity
August 2023 The Institute for Citizens and Scholars Do I Really Need a Grant Routing Form? Peer Review
June 2023 Research Corporation for Science Advancement Identifying the Usual Suspects Research Scientists and Program Officers Share Their Best Advice
May 2023 NASA NEH Summer Stipends Strategize Your Grant Seeking
April 2023 Commonweath Health Research Board Great Places to Find Grants The Importance of Formatting
March 2023 The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Make Your Proposal SMART! Spend Time Developing a Detailed Timeline
February 2023 National Endowment for the Humanities Share Your Work! What's In a Title?
January 2023 Fulbright Scholars Program Are You Really Ready to Write a Grant Proposal? Apply for Fellowships Even if Your Sabbatical is Already Funded
December 2022 The Whitehall Foundation Keep CFR in Mind! NSF's Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
November 2022 Jessie Ball duPont Fund Attend a Workshop/Webinar! Does Your Budget Make You Look Credible?
October 2022 National Science Foundation Talk to Your Program Officer! Develop a Career Narrative
September 2022 Associated Colleges of the South Come talk to CFR! Fellowships for the Fall