2009-10 Committee Appointments

The Executive Committee is charged twice a year with assigning students to various university committees. Below is a list of all of the committees and the students selected to serve on them.


Information Technology Advisory Committee: Alecia Flynn, Daniel Thornton

Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects: Elizabeth Pears

International Education Committee: Gaby Albuja, Amanda Micossi

Registration and Class Schedules Committee: Callie Hughes, Stephen Wilson

Student Financial Aid Committee: Nay Lin, Robbie Day

Student Health Committee: Caitlin McCurdy, Ross Isbell, Beri Hdifon

University Athletic Committee: J.D. Englehart, Megan Weinlein, Kari Ann

University Library Committee: Andrea Null, Chris Browning, John Henzel

University Board of Appeals: Charlie Yates, Scott Kelly, Robbie Clarke, John Twomey, Robert Claiborne, Charlotte Cornbrooks

Sustainability Committee: Annalisa Gutierrez, Janette Noveras, Joe Champion

University Committee on Inclusiveness and Campus Climate: Stephen Wilson, Caroline Bovay, Kamyle Griffin

Committee on the Institute for Honor: Stephen Wilson, Rae Mueller


Contact Committee

* Chair- Stephanie Hardimann
* Vice Chair for Publicity- Greg Lennon
* Vice Chair for Finance- Stephen Wilson
* Vice Chair for Logistics- Greg Franke

General Activities Board

* 3 Co-Presidents- Bill Butler, Fletcher Dunn, Anna Rogers
* Treasurer- Edward Yeilding

Honor Advocate Program

* Head Honor Advocate (Law Student)- Drew Spievack
* Asst Head Honor Advocate (Law Student)- Meredith Brebner
* Asst Head Honor Advocate (Undergrad)- Robert Womble

Voting Regulations Board

* 2 Co-Chairs- James Dick, Mason Tillett

The Courses and Degrees Committee

* Two student representatives- Mac Davis, Chris Schneck

The Faculty Executive Committee

* One member of the class of '09U- Grant Russel
* One member of the class of '10U- Jeff Giordano
* One Student Representative (Physical Education Sub-committee)- Corinne Smith

Student Faculty Hearing Board

* Vice Chair- Patrick Rowe
* 7 student members- Alex Caritis, Stephen Wilson, Ross Isbell, James Wolff, Emily Coyle, Taylar Hart, Luke Anderson

University Lectures Committee

* One student representative- Jenece Upton

Fancy Dress

* 2 Co-chairs- Katie Geddes, Kenneth Hopkins