Student Advisory Group to the HSMB Application 2018-2019

The Student Advisory Group is a new addition to the University's hearing process in regards to Harassment and Sexual Misconduct. It is an advisory group to the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB), which is comprised of three (3) chairs chosen by the Dean of Students and Vice President of Student Affairs, was well as seven (7) administrators.

"The Student Advisory Group is made up of six (6) student advisors (four (4) undergraduate students and two (2) law students) who are appointed by the Executive Committee to serve one year terms. In appointing the members of the Student Advisory Group, the Executive Committee will make every effort to create diverse representation.

The role of the Student Advisory Group is to aid the Title IX Coordinator and HSMB in understanding issues of student social dynamics. It will assist in training the HSMB and Appeal Panel by advising on student social dynamics and by advising the Title IX Coordinator on issues related to sexual misconduct, including policy training and campus climate. The Student Advisory Group will also participate in a working group that will annually review the Sexual Discrimination and Misconduct Policy and will have an opportunity to recommend changes." (Sexual Discrimination and Misconduct Policy, section D, subsection 4 found at:

Students seeking additional information regarding the application process or the role of appointed students should contact EC Secretary Gabriella Miggins at

Please answer the following questions in a word document and submit it to

There are currently openings on the Student Advisory Group for one law student and four undergraduate students.

Application Questions:

Class Year:

1. Please include and updated resume with your application. If possible, please include it as a part of this document so that you will have only one attachment when you submit your application.

2. Please explain why you want to serve on the Student Advisory Group to the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (300 words max).

3. How do you represent the student body when it comes to matters of campus climate and student social dynamics (300 words max)?

4. Explain how you would communicate to the members of the HSMB the current campus climate in regards to student life--subjects including but not limited to sexual culture, alcohol and drug culture, and social media usage (200 words max).

5. Do you plan to study abroad or participate in an externship during the 2018-19 academic year? If so, when?

6. Please discuss your knowledge or experiences that would indicate your ability to be an effective member of the Student Advisory Group (200 words max).