2014-2015 Allocations
Spring Term Budget Allocations:
24 $600.00
1 in 4 $1750.00
ACM Programming $605.00
Active Minds $1000.00
African Society $1000.00
Arts League $700.00
Brazil Club $150.00
Campus Kitchens $15,000.00
Campus Community Coalition $750.00
Cheerleading $400.00
Club Volleyball $1000.00
College Access $750.00
Common Sense Action $100.00
Contact Committee $91,500.00
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) $1500.00
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) $3100.00
Fancy Dress $30,000.00
Fear 2 Freedom $1000.00
General Activities Board $115,000.00
Generals Equality Initiative $5000.00
GenDev $3000.00
General Admission $300.00
Generals Raising Awareness of Animal Cruelty (GRAAC) $250.00
Habitat for Humanity $350.00
InGeneral $4000.00
Jubilee $300.00
LAUNCH $100.00
Liberal Arts Today $100.00
LIFE $500.00
Mindbending $1500.00
Minks Rugby $3500.00
Mock Convention $35,000.00
Mock Trial $16,500.00
Model UN $2500.00
MSA $5000.00
Muse $3000.00
Nabors Service League $14,000.00
PAACE $5000.00
Peer Counselors $2000.00
PLAY $1400.00
Political Review $1500.00
Polo Club $3000.00
Production Club $2000.00
Quest Scholars $500.00
Relay 4 Life $2500.00
Repertory Dance Company $4500.00
Rowing Club $7000.00
SPEAK $4500.00
Student Association for Black Unity $2750.00
Student Association for International Learning $6000.00
Students Against Rockbridge Area Hunger $750.00
Student Bar Association $117,000.00
Student Environmental Actions League $1250.00
Students for St. Jude $1500.00
Washingtones $100.00
Women in Technology and Science $450.00
WLUR $3000.00
Total Allocation $527,655.00