Will Travis '14

I spent the summer working for the Henry's Fork Foundation in Ashton, Idaho. Right away everyone was very welcoming, and I became immediate friends with the other interns I was living and working with. Our first project was preparing for Henry's Fork Day, which is a large fundraiser for the foundation. I would suggest any intern make sure to get there before Henry's Fork Day, because it is a very cool event. As a passionate fly fisher I absolutely loved working in this part of the country on the infamous Henry's Fork River. I fished probably five days a week, heading down to the river to fish for a few hours after work most evenings. I really wanted to take advantage of my location and the opportunities around me, and we regularly went on adventures all over the region. My favorite project we worked on were the statewide population surveys of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. We hiked into a number of small creeks to electrofish and assess the fish populations in each one. The most memorable trip was an overnight backpacking adventure where we used pack goats to carry our gear for us. I learned so much this summer and would highly recommend this internship to anyone looking for a new experience who has an interest in the outdoors or environmental issues.